sigh - why did i EVER get this product! I had NO problemsd sending asnd
receiving FAXes in XP but now in Vista Ultimate not only does microsoft fail
to recognise other nastions telephone number formatsd and force a mask for
number entry that does NOT accomodate Australian numbers but now, despite
successfully sending a FAx after tweaking the mask I can NOt receive any
FAXes. The FAX is answered as a FAX but then fails to receive.
Any ideas on resolving either issue above?
receiving FAXes in XP but now in Vista Ultimate not only does microsoft fail
to recognise other nastions telephone number formatsd and force a mask for
number entry that does NOT accomodate Australian numbers but now, despite
successfully sending a FAx after tweaking the mask I can NOt receive any
FAXes. The FAX is answered as a FAX but then fails to receive.
Any ideas on resolving either issue above?