Vista Ultimate 32 and my Samsung 906BW LCD Display Issue!!!

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When I change any of my display settings (Brightness, Contrast and so on...)
my pc seems to accept the changes, but after about 20-30 minutes the settings
go back to settings prior to changes. I tried the monitor on a XP Pro pc and
the settings stayed to what I changed them to. I moved the vid card from the
Vista pc (not keeping changes) to the XP pc (keeping changes) and the changes
stayed fine. I also tried vid card from the XP (working pc) to the Vista
(not working) made changes to the display settings and sure enough, after
20-30 minutes they defaulted back to prior to any change. So, having said
all that, Vista does NOT work with this LCD, XP has no problems with this
LCD and with the different vid cards. Has anyone experienced anything
simular to this???

Sounds like a group policy being applied. Is this computer part of an active
directory domain?
I have this monitor.
I calibrate it with an external device for use in color managed printing.
As much as I despise Vista I have not experienced any problems like you
describe. I use the monitor on a computer that dual boots into XP (for real
work) and Vista (mostly to see if it usable yet. So far, no).
It has been widely reprinted in photography newsgroups and such that when
Vista flashes those idiotic and useless warning screens that Vista unloads
monitor calibration data from the video card driver.
Hence what you may be experiencing is a shift from the generic profile that
will install with the monitor to a generic profile that is not specific to
that monitor. The shift is not reflected in what Vista tells you is the
profile in use.
You can check to see if this is your problem by manually switching monitor
profiles when you feel the monitor settings have changed.
By the way, for the best image with this monitor you should leave it at
default settings. It is, in fact, impossible to calibrate this monitor, and
the vast majority of LCD panels, for reliable color display with any other
settings. For its price it is a very accurate panel except it is way too
Thanks for the input. I have tried the 64 bit edition as well. Still reverts
back. If many people are using Vista and not experiencing behavior like
mine, could it be video card and Vista combination? I guess I could try
another PCIe card and see what happens.

I have tried to calibrate my monitor on several occaisions using i1, once i
turn my computer off and restart vista loads my calbration profile then
unloads it and reverts back. Why?