Mike said:
With any luck at all the next Islam-O-Fascist attack will be in CanaDuh.
They're already killing plenty of Canadians in Afghanistan, no need to come
here (however, Canada has already thwarted a major plan to attack within
Canada so it might be just a matter of time before you get your wish against
us - the feeling is not mutal, however, and I hope Americans are spared
anything else)
But Iraq was just Bush's personal agenda thing and had nothing to do with
your or my security, or the god damned alQueda's defeat, and a lot more to
do with Cheney's New American Century doctrine than care for the life of
American soldiers and American civilians. And Rumsfeld? He devised the
"Shock and Awe" thing just so's he might get back his woody. It's
disgusting. There were no WMDs in Iraq - it was a lie foisted on us.
If Bush had stamped out the god damned alQueda and the god damned Taliban in
Afghanistan like he was supposed to, then the problem would have been mostly
over .. instead: the god damned alQueda lives, has been given Iraq as an
incredible opportunity for to fuel growth .. and America's been weakened and
hurt by a three hundred billion dollar Iraq blunder. And Canadians soldiers
are getting killed by a god damned Taliban that Bush has neglected to get
rid of.
I support the troops - probably more than you - but I have a short fuse for
idiocy in poiliticians and Bush blew my fuse even before 9/11 with his fool
hokey attitude.