Vista Themes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard
  • Start date Start date


Are there any "drop in" themes for vista 32bit ?
if not, what is the Easiest method of adding in new themes,
without breaking the vista. <grin>

Thanks in Advances...
Richard said:
Are there any "drop in" themes for vista 32bit ?
if not, what is the Easiest method of adding in new themes,
without breaking the vista. <grin>

Thanks in Advances...

what do you mean by "drop in" as in drop them in the bucket of sh*t that
vista is?

I have posted numerous times about themes!

Here is a brief one again

google "vistaglazz" that will enable the installation of 3rd party
themes for vista

then google "deviantart vista visual styles" and browse the deviant art
site for vista visual styles..

I have been using various other themes because the Vista Aero glass
Black theme is REVOLTING!
non flammable on Ubuntu 7.10 wrote:

....his usual, uninformed nonsense about something that he knows nothing
about at all.
STFU you idiot!
If you keep excavating this sh*t out of your rectum at the rate you do
now, in 3 years you will have colon cancer. Also, make sure you wash your
hands every time you do it otherwise you may get something else.

Also I am wondering where you bought your HSED? Quality of some of them
ain't what it used to be.

That alias of yours shows folks in the know that you have trouble with
English language, big trouble. Not to mention your posts smacking of some
Ubuntu dialect.

Ladies and Gents, this piece of dreck confused two word meaning flammable
and inflammatory. What he apparently meant in his dark schizophrenic mind
was that he is *not inflammatory* on XP (now on Ubuntu) but (by exclusion)
inflammatory on
Vista. The latter is true, he is quite inflammatory in his language and

In my experience every forum has its own village idiot although their
intelligence vary

A third world as**hole prowling the world wide web: as a "non flammable!"

news:[email protected]...
non flammable on Ubuntu 7.10 said:
what do you mean by "drop in" as in drop them in the bucket of sh*t that
vista is?

I have posted numerous times about themes!

Here is a brief one again

google "vistaglazz" that will enable the installation of 3rd party themes
for vista

then google "deviantart vista visual styles" and browse the deviant art
site for vista visual styles..

I have been using various other themes because the Vista Aero glass Black
theme is REVOLTING!

Its why you have so much trouble with Vista.
You load it up with malware and free crap.