Keith Eckhardt

I bought a laptop with Vista Home installed. What a mistake.

1) I used the MS program to transfer settings and files. Oops, lots of
files didn't make it. Had to use other utilities to finish the job. Also,
when it copied Outlook Express it copied all my single folders, but not the
one that had sub-folders. Now what do I do?

2) Every time I close Windows Mail it crashes. Then every time I start it
up again it processes every message in every folder. I'm guessing it is
creating the indexes that it doesn't save when it crashes at close time.

3) The sidebar crashed and doesn't come back at re-boot. I don't really
miss it, but it's un-nerving to have it crash.

Vista seems to have been released more than a bit early.



Have you not heard? It is Windows ME II. Microsoft and many die hard MVPs
stand by a mediocre product but we all know it wasn't baked before release.
Everyone is clamoring for the release of the first Service Pack.


Keith Eckhardt said:
I bought a laptop with Vista Home installed. What a mistake.

1) I used the MS program to transfer settings and files. Oops, lots of
files didn't make it. Had to use other utilities to finish the job.
Also, when it copied Outlook Express it copied all my single folders, but
not the one that had sub-folders. Now what do I do?

2) Every time I close Windows Mail it crashes. Then every time I start it
up again it processes every message in every folder. I'm guessing it is
creating the indexes that it doesn't save when it crashes at close time.

3) The sidebar crashed and doesn't come back at re-boot. I don't really
miss it, but it's un-nerving to have it crash.

Vista seems to have been released more than a bit early.


Since this is a new purchase you need to contact the manufacture you
purchased it from. There is no reason for those apps to crash out of the

Robert Moir

Keith Eckhardt said:
I bought a laptop with Vista Home installed. What a mistake.

1) I used the MS program to transfer settings and files. Oops, lots of
files didn't make it. Had to use other utilities to finish the job.
Also, when it copied Outlook Express it copied all my single folders, but
not the one that had sub-folders. Now what do I do?

2) Every time I close Windows Mail it crashes. Then every time I start it
up again it processes every message in every folder. I'm guessing it is
creating the indexes that it doesn't save when it crashes at close time.

3) The sidebar crashed and doesn't come back at re-boot. I don't really
miss it, but it's un-nerving to have it crash.

Vista seems to have been released more than a bit early.

Vista has a lot of cracks and holes in it, but I've not seen these before

Have you considered that you may have a faulty laptop, or that software
pre-loaded by the manufacturer might be contributing to these problems? (I'm
assuming you've ruled out everything you've done as the cause of the

Mr. Arnold

I bought a laptop with Vista Home installed. What a mistake.

I did too with Home Premium on the laptop. And then I upgraded to Ultimate.

I have not had one problem with Vista period.

Vista is running like a champ.


I would seriously consider that the problem lies with the computer itself or
the manufacturer.
There are just to many Vista users not having those issues. Vista has some
issues any new OS would have. XP was no different when it was released.

Contact the manufacturer of the PC, or simply return the PC and get a
different one. I would recommend the HP Vista Laptops/PC's. I have one, I
dont have any of the issues you are having.

To be exact here is what I have on my Laptop (HP dv6275us).
I have Visual Studio C++, Visual Studio C#, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft
Flight Simulator 2004, SlingBox Pro, about 10 apps in the Sidebar, Direct X
SDK, Platform SDK, Microsoft Virtual PC, Virtual Earth and much more.

I use my laptop to develope software.

I have very few issues with my Vista Laptop and Desktop. My Vista Desktop PC
is a game PC, and I have many legacy games on it that run without issues.So
that is two Vista computers, that do not have issues.

Like I said I have come across a few issues, but nothing major.

Contact the manufacturer of the laptop and have them fix it, you are right,
the issues you are having a totally unacceptible. If it is new I would just
return it and get a different model or brand. Vista should work very well on
a new computer that is sold with it already installed.

I bought my laptop with Vista preinstalled and have a custom built desktop
that had XP on it and I installed Vista onto it. Both run very well, in fact
better than XP did. In fact the desktop has been running two weeks without a
reboot and has had Micrsoft Flight Simulator 2004 running the whole time.



I assume you have a backup ?

I personally would restore to factory settings then use it before
transferring any files. This should give us an indication if it is the
hardware ?

Hopefully you should find it worrks a dream. If so then something musta got
corrupted in your transfer process.

Once running, try the transfer in stages and move on to the next when you
know one stage of transfer is working fine.


No JV, I havn't heard about that before.
You are until now the only moron that I have seen writing this kind of
Are you happy with XP or with another OS, then stay with it and stop your
posts that do not help anybody.

Keith Eckhardt

I reported the various problems to the manufacturer and suggested my
computer has a hardware timing problem. I just got an email back that my
hard disk is bad and they will send someone to my house to replace it,
probably within 24 hours.

I'm feeling better.



Gotta love those onsite warranties!

Keith Eckhardt said:
I reported the various problems to the manufacturer and suggested my
computer has a hardware timing problem. I just got an email back that my
hard disk is bad and they will send someone to my house to replace it,
probably within 24 hours.

I'm feeling better.


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"...we all know..."
"Everyone is clamoring..."
You speak for everyone?
No, you don't so do not presume that you do.
You have an extremely narrow view if you believe all you wrote.

Some share your opinion but many do not.
Windows Vista works fine on two of my computers and "mediocre" does
not apply.
Your presumption to know how Windows Vista performs in all situations
shows your narrow point of view.

Read the OPs post, perhaps for the first time.
You will see that it is probable it is a possible hardware issue or
possibly bad installation from the factory.
In either case, no operating system from any source is immune from
such issues.

Joseph Johnson

I 2 have Vista Home on a new laptop, an el cheapo Acer 3280 for $300 with
512M and its rock solid. I upgrade to 1G, and its a champ today.

However, I do think Vista is not entirely its made up to be, and that's
bullet proof.

If you think the transfer screwed things up, the simplest and best thing
to do is:

Restore point to before the install OR

use the system disks to restore the machine to factory settings

If the above works and your machine is stable factory version, then
install your programs one by one from scratch rather than use the easy

Feliks Dzerzhinsky

Hash: SHA512
Have you not heard? It is Windows ME II. Microsoft and many die hard MVPs
stand by a mediocre product but we all know it wasn't baked before release.
Everyone is clamoring for the release of the first Service Pack.
And you, JV, are living proof that there are more equine hindquarters
than forequarters.

You might actually try addressing the issues stated by the original
poster, instead of trolling.

Keith, I can't address the transfer program since I never had need to
use it, but when I uses windows Mail, it behaved properly. with regard
to the sidebar, did you add any gadgets to it? If so, restart it.
simply typing "sidebar" in the seach box will lead you to it, remove the
gadgets you added, then shut the sidebar down, you should see a window
with an option to start sidebar when you start the computer. Be sure
that box is checked.

I've been running Vista on both my desktop and laptop. and much prefer
it to XP.

JV, stop talking through your boxers, which by the way, should be
changed more often.

- --
Iron Feliks
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Robert Moir

Keith Eckhardt said:
I reported the various problems to the manufacturer and suggested my
computer has a hardware timing problem. I just got an email back that my
hard disk is bad and they will send someone to my house to replace it,
probably within 24 hours.

I'm feeling better.

Let's hope this solves it and your story has a happy ending.


I totally agree with you about vista. I also purchased a laptop with vista
installed. I am very upset with HP and their support department. I don't
care what others have said it is loaded with problems.



Not to pick a fight, but I purchased a HP Pavilion DV6301eu with Vista Basic
and was very impressed with the install other than the few programs which
are there but have no hardware to support it. Also a few pointless reg
HP technical support returns my e-mails within the hour and to date has been
90% useful and 10% pointless.

When XP first came out there where just as many problems with it, it took
two service packs to get it where it was, user friendly and competent of
doing tasks and it was still backward in its thinking. My only prob with
vista is there aren't enough "classic view" options for the applications it
uses. I mean "display is now way to many *.exe's. "system properties"

Why not have a simple question or two when installing or booting for the
first time:
What OS's have you used?
What level are you in respect to PC knowledge?
Would you like to copy all uninstalled programs from the setup disk to hard
drive to later avoid having to hunt through that box in the cupboard?
Would you like windows to assume you know nothing and flash you on every
click you make?
Would you like this computer to be pointlessly BLING or just practical?
Is this machine a multi boot computer or is this going to be the only OS for
Would you like to take the complete step by step setup or the quick install?
From this it could then set itself appropriately for the level of the user.
Not just assume we are all idiots and need on screen prompts for simple
tasks and BLING graphics that slow down stuff.

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