Running Vista Home Prem;32bit
Recently I noticed my HDD loosing about 3 to 4GB of space per day.....this
all seemed to start right about the time I installed Vista SP2. I felt the
lost was due to System restore rstore points, and, I was right. I turned off
Restore which deleted all restore points and available space on my HDD
increased back to where it should have been.
Under XP you could adjust the size of the HDD reserved for Restore points, I
don't believe you can under Vista. My total Restore Point space was taking
up around 30GB of my HDD.
Does anyone know how much HDD Vista reserves for Restore Points? It just
seems to me 30GB is a lot of space to be taken up by Restore and I don't know
how much more space would have been taken up by Restore by Sysyem ahd I not
deleted all points. I of course have turned it back on and created a Restore
Point (and immediately saw I lost 3 GB).....(I was losing about 3 to 4GB per
day..and it was ongoing).
Losing this much space per restore point....is this acceptable?
Recently I noticed my HDD loosing about 3 to 4GB of space per day.....this
all seemed to start right about the time I installed Vista SP2. I felt the
lost was due to System restore rstore points, and, I was right. I turned off
Restore which deleted all restore points and available space on my HDD
increased back to where it should have been.
Under XP you could adjust the size of the HDD reserved for Restore points, I
don't believe you can under Vista. My total Restore Point space was taking
up around 30GB of my HDD.
Does anyone know how much HDD Vista reserves for Restore Points? It just
seems to me 30GB is a lot of space to be taken up by Restore and I don't know
how much more space would have been taken up by Restore by Sysyem ahd I not
deleted all points. I of course have turned it back on and created a Restore
Point (and immediately saw I lost 3 GB).....(I was losing about 3 to 4GB per
day..and it was ongoing).
Losing this much space per restore point....is this acceptable?