one under god
it seems this mind game goes on between these idiots wantimng to clutter up
my computer with all sorts of crapp written in tiny letters with tiny boxes
written by egg heads
who want me to mindlessly fill in thier crapp forms
ijn buying this new computer [that is so cluttered it slows down to speeds
slower than my old computer
filled with programs i woill never figure out how to use
yet cant send a simple email
not any copnveniant box that i as an ignorant can say yes this is me [my
email fix it
but go her pop 3 join here read this
and still havnt sent a damm email ,
[nor got any clue how to send the damm one i wrote
you clever retards see if i ever by another computer
vistta stinks
its as simple as writing a computer program
your are self serving egotists
get your act together
why should i serve this box , your supposed to be serving me
you got the power dudes i hope you all rot in hell
im sick of looking through your pages [and finding something some computer
made as complicatred as his over paid time can make it
one form for retards dudes thats what i want
i fill it in one time ,your computer goes and does it ,and all the stuff
from my last server come to you
server is a huge deception , i got no service , just anger and two days of
near sighted bull shittt, i have to read , got a expensive time wasting over
engeneered box of crapp ,loaded up with so much rubbisah i will NEVER want to
yet cant even send a mail
nor get on the web search but by saving the bloody thing to favopurites
its not a favourite dudes its a basic thing computers are supposed to be
able to do [even for retards]
excuse language
but rot in hell
notify me of replies what a joke
i go to internet all i get is a mail box , that demands a damm pass word
ever 9ooo seconds ot so
time out retards
make vista work
or i get my money back]
my computer with all sorts of crapp written in tiny letters with tiny boxes
written by egg heads
who want me to mindlessly fill in thier crapp forms
ijn buying this new computer [that is so cluttered it slows down to speeds
slower than my old computer
filled with programs i woill never figure out how to use
yet cant send a simple email
not any copnveniant box that i as an ignorant can say yes this is me [my
email fix it
but go her pop 3 join here read this
and still havnt sent a damm email ,
[nor got any clue how to send the damm one i wrote
you clever retards see if i ever by another computer
vistta stinks
its as simple as writing a computer program
your are self serving egotists
get your act together
why should i serve this box , your supposed to be serving me
you got the power dudes i hope you all rot in hell
im sick of looking through your pages [and finding something some computer
made as complicatred as his over paid time can make it
one form for retards dudes thats what i want
i fill it in one time ,your computer goes and does it ,and all the stuff
from my last server come to you
server is a huge deception , i got no service , just anger and two days of
near sighted bull shittt, i have to read , got a expensive time wasting over
engeneered box of crapp ,loaded up with so much rubbisah i will NEVER want to
yet cant even send a mail
nor get on the web search but by saving the bloody thing to favopurites
its not a favourite dudes its a basic thing computers are supposed to be
able to do [even for retards]
excuse language
but rot in hell
notify me of replies what a joke
i go to internet all i get is a mail box , that demands a damm pass word
ever 9ooo seconds ot so
time out retards
make vista work
or i get my money back]