Vista stalls if i do anything!!!

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I have just spent £300!!! on vista ultimate for the ultimate gameing
experience and i have had nothing but trouble with it! It takes on average
half an hour to boot up and when it finaly does if i click on any application
it freezes and takes about 5 to 10 minute to stop thinking again. i tried a
clean boot with msconfig it stoped it freezing but it still took half hour to

I have a AMD X2 6000 64bit Vista 64bit also
4g ram Brand new mother board and
ati x1950xtx gfx card
all of it should be vista ready why am i having so much trouble and i dont
have an xp disk to do a duel install with so im stuck now im using my sisters
pc to write this cos mine is so tempermental can anyone help ps im not to
technicaly wise so youll have to dumb it down for me so it's simple XD

Thanks Harry B
30 Minutes to boot ? - Something is seriously wrong. Are you using the
32-Bit version of Vista or 64-Bit ?

From your description it sounds like you may have a configuration issue
with your BIOS setup. Vista shouldn't take more than a minute or so to
completely boot up. For a boot cycle to take that long would indicate
service(s) are timing out. With the hardware you have the system should
be "Lightning Fast".

What type technology drives are you using ? ( SATA or a RAID array ).

It would also help to know which Security software programs ( if any )
you've installed on this new setup.

Just too many variables to give you a specific area to concentrate on.
hi i have the 64Bit version running i believe im using SATA and i have no
security programs running because it takes too long to do anything to
download any i have only downoaded and installed my ati gfx driver and that
was the proper vista version but it has always been slow before that i havent
loaded any divers for my motherboard or nothing because vista wont accept
them and that took about half an hour for it to finaly tell me that lol such
a pain why are pc's never simple
hi i have the 64Bit version running i believe im using SATA and i have no
security programs running because it takes too long to do anything to
download any i have only downoaded and installed my ati gfx driver and that
was the proper vista version but it has always been slow before that i havent
loaded any divers for my motherboard or nothing because vista wont accept
them and that took about half an hour for it to finaly tell me that lol such
a pain why are pc's never simple

Run the 32-bit version.

Unless you have a very specific *reason* to run 64-bit (of any OS): don't.
The only thing you can gain from a 64-bit OS at this point in time is a

2003 Yamaha R6

Ian Betts said:
I am writing this on 64 bit, why is it a headach?

Well, as Patrick Moore* said "We just don't know". However, we hope you know
where the medicine cabinet is, so that you can find the paracetamol.
Personally, I don't have a headache while using Vista 64, which is now
working really well.

*English Astronomer, who for 50 years has fronted a BBC Astronomy programme
called "The Sky At Night". He often used the phrase "Well... we just don't
know" when offering an explanation to some astronomical phenomenon. I (as an
ex teacher) found it a useful phrase, because it suggests that the whole
body of scientific knowledge is inadequate, rather than just me.

Not very helpfull realy lol it works in very small doses just if i say close
a windo it stalls if i open web page it stalls if i enter a web address it
stalls if i put a cd in the drive it stalls get the idea its realy annoying
because i have no alternative now because my xp disk has been lost or stolen
I am writing this on 64 bit, why is it a headach?

Because not everything is 64-bit compatible ranging from drivers to
software. It may be that everything you are using is, but apparently this
is not so in the original posters case.

Essentially, at least at the current point in time, the only real benefit
gained by a 64-bit os is the ability to address more than 4 gigs of RAM.

Exception of course if you have any specific software dependent or capable
of taking advantage of a 64-bit architecture in some way. Most consumer
software though rarely falls into this category.

So that gives you a bottom line where things may just work peachy
depending on your driver, system, and software needs...or you'll have a
boatload of trouble.

Matter of fact, running 32-bit software on a 64-bit system can actually
cause the 32-bit software to run slower due to data misalignment
(non-64 bit data not aligned on an even 64-bit boundary has to be aligned
by the CPU before it can be loaded into a CPU register).

So beyond the added address space, there is relatively little gained unless
you have a specific need for it right now.

2003 Yamaha R6

Not everyone knows that. Why should you assume that? Just because you know
it? Give me a break
I was assuming that it is known that not all software is 64 compatible.

Dangerous assumption to make. =)

Most people would likely not even really be able to define the difference
between 32-bit and 64-bit beyond what they know of marketing hype.
Nevermind actually knowing the pros/cons and potential problems and
compatibility issues. =)

2003 Yamaha R6

Harry B said:
Not very helpfull realy lol it works in very small doses just if i say
a windo it stalls if i open web page it stalls if i enter a web address it
stalls if i put a cd in the drive it stalls get the idea its realy
because i have no alternative now because my xp disk has been lost or

Sorry Harry - I was being facetious with respect to Ian Betts' post.

I have a rather different system from yours - with a Nvidia card, and
certainly for the first few months I was getting crashes and BSODs at fairly
regular intervals. I solved my problem by installing the latest SATA RAID
drivers from Intel, but that in itself required a call to Microsoft to
authorise Windows (because as far as they were concerned my hard drive had
changed). That made a big difference for me, and the final icing on the cake
was to update to a much more recent Nvidia driver for 64bit. Now I rarely
get crashes.

I can only suggest that you find and install the latest 64 bit drivers for
your hardware - that will fix a lot of issues. Failing that, as Stephen Rose
said, you could go back to 32bit Vista - the driver support is better for

Good luck,

LOL its like a mothers meeting i only used 64bit because i can surley there
should be drivers and stuff for 64bit by now its been around for ages ill try
and download my sata drivers from AMD but thats only if vista will let me go
online it wouldnt last i tried said i had an invalid ip
Ian Betts said:
John you can be what you like about me but I know what I am talking about.

Your previous message was:

I am writing this on 64 bit, why is it a headach?

So, yes, I have no doubt that you know that you are talking about your
"headach" whatever that might be.

Harry I don't think Vista stops you going on line, that's your ISP and
whatever modem way you connect.
This is realy bugging me now i got a windows xp disk and reinstalled xp using
my id key cos i have that just lost the disk took me ages reinstalling xp i
checked with upgrade advisor it said there was nothing wrong just to upgrade
processor drivers for vista versions wich i cant do cos i dont think there
are any there just generic then i installed the 32bit version through xp i
installed the updates befor install like it suggested and it had done exactly
same thing the 64bit version did it stalls if i click anything complicated
even getting to check my system in controll pannel took half an hour i hav
all the updates i can get on the internet but it sticks on all the web
adresses and by the time its loaded the server times out so it forgets what
web page i was going onto i cant get microsoft support because the auto
activate hasn't started cos keeps stalling like above there has to be
something simple because when i started with cleanboot on msconfig it never
stalled but it still took half an hour to boot GRRR why cant bill gates come
to my house and just tell me whats wrong anyone free tomorow lol my pc specs

AMD X2 6000 AM2
4Gb ram
M2R32-MVP motherboard
ATI Raedon X1959XTX gfx
250Gb hard drive
500w Power suply

It should work fine ;_;
AMD X2 6000 AM2
4Gb ram
M2R32-MVP motherboard
ATI Raedon X1959XTX gfx
250Gb hard drive
500w Power suply

Success Maybe I have stoped it from stalling as often now and it boots up
straight away but i have no sound now because its disabled i have been
through msconfig one by one for ages and found the problem to be with

Multimedia class scheduler &
Shell hardware detection

if i have either of these on it takes literaly half hour to load desktop
then another 10 minutes before you can do anything and if you do it stalls
please help i need some! Is there anywere like an online messenger i can get
help from rather than putting up posts?

Thanks alot
Harry B
Looks like i have fixed the problem i updated my bios and sound drivers and
it all seems to be running smoothly now fingers crossed i couldn't auto
update in vista though so i had to use a usb stick and i had to rename the
downloaded bios rom for it to work which crashed my pc first time i hate
flashing my bios but hopefully all will be fine now thanks everyone for your