Windows Vista Vista SP1 release ... update ... is out now!


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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For those of you who do not wish to wait for "Auto-Update" next month (April) Microsoft have made Vista SP1 available for download at the Microsoft Download Center ...

Be aware that this is the full package and as such is a 434Mb file size.

If you wait for Auto-Update, you will not necessary need all 434Mb ;)

Microsoft strongly recommends using Windows Update to download and install Windows Vista SP1 on single PCs

wizkid said:

Are you updating to it??

This is a leading question ... ;)

I'm not sayin I have, or I will ... I'll repeat what MS say ...

Microsoft strongly recommends using Windows Update to download and install Windows Vista SP1 on single PCs.

... :thumb:
Hey, Mucks,

Will Vista SP1 cover ALL the previous updates?
I'm still having problems downloading, so much so that I have stopped for the time being. MS are trying to sort it out for me but we have made no progress over the last 4 weeks. They keep sending me "fixes" to install but Vista will not allow them as it deems them "potentially dangerous" :wall:
I had this installing this morning, and I'm typing it on Vista SP1 now :) All seems ok - no difference that I can tell yet.

edit: I'll get a mention of SP1 on the front page too :thumb:
nivrip said:
Hey, Mucks,

Will Vista SP1 cover ALL the previous updates?
Yes ... that is one reason it is 434Mb.

On a "normal" update using Windows Update, you may only need 65Mb, or there abouts.

Sorry you is still having problems Niv ... me, I would have reinstalled by now. ;)

Yes, I have updated to SP1 ... and I had to reset the PC because it DID hang at one point, I don't care what MS say NOT to do, I need a working PC. :D

As Ian has stated, dunno what may, or may not, have changed, I "see" no difference in the operation of Vista.

I assume I now have all the bug fixes that were pending release. :lol:

muckshifter said:
Sorry you is still having problems Niv ... me, I would have reinstalled by now. ;)

Yep, I have a feeling it may come to that. But I thought I'd better hang fire till MS have tried their best to sort it out.I get the feeling that they are looking at this possibility too.

I'm a bit wary as I am a definite non-techy - I would need careful guidance.:o
Ok Guys > I have updated to Vista SP1 can`t notice many changes YET? now a word to the unexpected. From down load 64.7Mb @8MBs. To installing took just over 45Mins Hmm.. I thought not bad... Huh it took another 35 Mins after having to restart as requested DO NOT TURN OFF THE COMPUTER. installing 1of3 Etc:Dont touch Untill it finishes. :user:

I was wondering if someone could please give me a rough timescale of how long it will take to install Vista SP1 as I have to go somwhere in the next hour and was wondering if I would be able to install it in that time??

wizkid said:

I was wondering if someone could please give me a rough timescale of how long it will take to install Vista SP1 as I have to go somewhere in the next hour and was wondering if I would be able to install it in that time??

Mine took nearly 2hours ... :nod:

Then I completely ignored the warning NOT to turn off your PC and rebooted. :eek:


'cos the bloody thing hung on me. :rolleyes:

Still, Vista IS very stable ... init? :lol:

Never do anything in a rush ... there is always tomorrow.

Hi Mucks,

Thanks for the reply.

I will do it tomorrow. Thats not very good that it hung and took 2 hours because they had released it once and then they I have released it again you would had thought that MS had got it right by now :wall:

Thanks again,

I think I'll wait a few weeks and let it happen au naturel ;)

I don't have that many problems with Vista, main one being my Creative Sound card, the other being the Menu in Crysis being un-navigable. (is that a word? Un-navigable? :D )

And DIRT didn't work but that game didn't work right in XP either.....
I have no problems either ... lets here it for the folks who DON'T have a problem. ;)

Hear! Hear!:D

Reading various articles Re: Download? mine came on > Download and let me choose when and what to install> Took a while to install but as I say No problems YET?:user:
I've just installed SP1 via auto updates. I wondered why it hadn't downloaded earlier than this, but then I discovered that I'd overlooked the installation of an NVidia driver update. Anyway, once that was done, I was offered the SP1 update immediately :thumb: It took about 30 - 35 minutes start to finish. :D
Microsoft still ain't done me with SP1 and I got auto-updates turned on. In fact, it just done 11 updates.

I have a beta version of the Nvidia drivers, one that's optimised for Unreal Tournament 3, I wonder if MS is baulking at that.

I shall just wait and see I guess as everything's running ok anyway :)

It can't have been within those 11 updates cos they only took about five minutes to do, btw.

And just by way of mentioning - and maybe I shouldn't tempt fate - but since installing Vista it hasn't crashed, locked up, given me a BSOD or thrown a hissy fit once. Pretty good eh? :)

And as mentioned elsewhere I've solved my Creative sound card problem and also my Crysis Game problem, although without the help of a third party writing new drivers, I still would have had the Creative problem.

I was wondering if you would be able to let me know where you got your third party drivers for vista because I have the same problems in Vista?

