Vista Sidebar



It's the translucency effect of the side-bar.Nothing abnormal.As far as
becoming invisible is concerned it's because you have given some other
application mouse/keyboard focus.So to give you more `real estate` of the
screen,the side-bar dis-appears from view.
What do you exactly mean by a `gray sidebar` as well as a `classic
desktop`?Screen-shots would greatly help for this question.

What makes the sidebar appear invisible or the same as the background?

I turned it off but when I turned it on, then there is just this gray
sidebar. Is this an option having to do with the classic desktop or what?

Colin Barnhorst

You may be running a program that has turned Aero off or you may need to
re-enable in Personalization. Is Flip3d working?

Joe M

1- Do you have the sidebar set to always be ontop
2- Do you have a gadgets in the sidebar

Last Boy Scout

What makes the sidebar appear invisible or the same as the background?

I turned it off but when I turned it on, then there is just this gray
sidebar. Is this an option having to do with the classic desktop or what?

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