Windows Vista Vista Sidebar ... not working

Does it crash seconds after logging on? I've had that happen once or twice, but never long term.
1. Open a command prompt by being Administrator (Right click on Command Prompt and click Run as Administrator)
2. CD to C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar ( cd drive letter:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar )
3. Run these commands in this order:
1. regsvr32 -u sbdrop.dll
2. regsvr32 -u wlsrvc.dll
3. regsvr32 atl.dll
4. regsvr32 sbdrop.dll
5. regsvr32 wlsrvc.dll

And start up the side bar

This solution was found on The Vista Forums (I hope I've not broken a rule by mentioning them here, but wouldn't want anyone to mistakenly think that it was my own know-how at work :rolleyes: )
Hope it's useful.
Taffycat said:
I hope I've not broken a rule by mentioning them here

Not at all TC ;) Posting a link to a good article/post helps everyone - hopefully other sites will do the same to here when appropriate :). One post wonders posting links to spam sites are a different ball game though
huh! IE just restarted just as I finnished my post ... :rolleyes:

I did a system restore, we had Window update, didn't we ... just re-installing them now t see if it was one of them.

Thanks TC, will try that if it happens again ... did try a few "fixes" but I got fedup.

Reboot time again ... :lol:
still got sidebar

OK ... now for the one I think may have done some damage ... activeX Killbits

even sounds nastie ... ;)

Oh well, that explains why no one else had problems, it all works with updates.

I hate computers.
