David Sherman said:
When I turned the monitor off, the machine was running a virus scan.
Normally if the machine is idled for a while, the machine is locked
and I have enter a password, and the machine takes about 30 seconds to
get back to normal.
This time, I had to log in after I turn the machine on and it took
abot 3 minutes to get back to normal with all the icons.
Why do i know it rebooted.. When the machine is locked and restarted,
I dpn't get the APC software being loaded. When the machine reboots,
that software has to load.
Although I don't know what you're looking at to conclude "the APC
software is loading" (or if you're just presuming that where the time
But your observation of "walked away, came back, and it took more than
the normal amount of time to unlock" sounds like the default Vista
Even on desktop machines, the default power configuration lets
machines go to a "sleep" state after 30 minutes, IIRC. "Sleep" to my
understanding being a hybrid of "suspend first, and then if they don't
unsuspend for a while, go to full hibernation".
So when "waking your machine back up", you can even end up seeing the
text-mode "Windows is loading..." screen, although it actually says
"Windows is resuming..." or something to that effect because the
machine is coming back from hibernation.
Power control panel applet lets you change those times/defaults, such
as to "Never" if that's your preference.
Alan Adams