Vista Search not working

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My search index appears to be broken. When I attempt to modify the search
index by Control Panel -> Indexing Options, I recieve a message "Waiting for
status update..." There is no response (Modify... and Advanced... buttons are
I get the same behavior when I run as administrator.
I am unable to perform any searches in vista.
Any ideas?
It's been broken and not fully 100% functional in Beta 2 for some time... I
guess it's still being worked on.

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--
Hi Michael..

This probably doesn't help.. but my computer behaves exactly the same
way....No vista search not in outlook not in vista. The index doesn't appear
to be broken. It doesn't appear to exist at all....

Hi Michael
My computer shows the exact same behavior (only in german). The index
doesn't just appear to be broken, it appears to never been built. Sorry my
post doesn't help, but i would be interested in a solution...

Hi Michael
My computer shows the exact same behavior (only in german). The index
doesn't just appear to be broken, it appears to never been built. Sorry my
post doesn't help, but i would be interested in a solution...
