my computer has an intel core duo t2400 (1.83ghz) processor and 512mb ram. i
too have noticed the sluggish performance, but for me it is mainly during
startup. you mentioned the indexes... i have found this to be very
troublesome for me. everytime i start my computer, i have to wait several
minutes for the index to be updated. if i don't wait, all of the programs i
try to open with stop responding or not open at all. i discovered the
indexing problem by going to control panel, classic view, indexing options
when the computer is starting up and my hard drive activity light is
constanly on. as soon as this says the index is updated, my hard drive light
either turns off or flickers and the computer runs smoothly. i also noticed
that under the indexing options window, if you click on modify, you should be
able to unselect the files that are selected for indexing. on mine, i cannot
for the life of me unselect microsoft office outlook files and offline files.
has anyone else noticed any of these problems, either with the indexing
service slowing the computer or being unable to deselect certain files? does
anyone know how to turn the indexing service off completely? i would much
rather have slow searches than a slow computer.