-----Original Message-----
From: Synapse Syndrome [mailto:
[email protected]]
Posted At: Friday, November 24, 2006 7:42 PM
Posted To: microsoft.public.windows.vista.general
Conversation: Vista Retail to ship with 19,000 drivers
Subject: Vista Retail to ship with 19,000 drivers
19k is actually not too much if you compare it with OCA statistics that
Mark Russinovich was sharing in one of web casts (I believe these are
2005 stats but don't quote me on that):
Total drivers out there:
- 55,000 unique drivers (28,000 in 2004), 22 new/day
- 220,000 total drivers (130,000 in 2004), 98 revised/day
Total devices:
- Over 1,263,300 distinct PnP IDs (was 680,000 in 2004), 1,600 added/day
The number of shipped drivers is even less relevant with new Windows
Update that already holds 11,700 device drivers on Windows Update
(compared to just 2,000 for Windows XP when it RTM'd in 2001) and