Vista Retail to ship with 19,000 drivers

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-----Original Message-----
From: Synapse Syndrome [mailto:[email protected]]
Posted At: Friday, November 24, 2006 7:42 PM
Posted To:
Conversation: Vista Retail to ship with 19,000 drivers
Subject: Vista Retail to ship with 19,000 drivers

19k is actually not too much if you compare it with OCA statistics that
Mark Russinovich was sharing in one of web casts (I believe these are
2005 stats but don't quote me on that):

Total drivers out there:
- 55,000 unique drivers (28,000 in 2004), 22 new/day
- 220,000 total drivers (130,000 in 2004), 98 revised/day
Total devices:
- Over 1,263,300 distinct PnP IDs (was 680,000 in 2004), 1,600 added/day

The number of shipped drivers is even less relevant with new Windows
Update that already holds 11,700 device drivers on Windows Update
(compared to just 2,000 for Windows XP when it RTM'd in 2001) and
Andre said:
I hope my 1996 Zenith GT Workstation is fully supported.

Huh...I still bankin on my Univac. You know the one that takes up the
entire 4th floor?
jwardl said:
Can we get a LIST?????

Well, sort of.

Information about drivers is stored in inf files under c:\windows\inf

There's a script that can take a folder with inf files and produce a table
with information about PnP device drivers described in these inf's. It's
called DriverInfInfo.vbs. This script was mentioned in May 2006 issue of
TechNet Magazine. You can download them (and read an article too) here:

The command line for the script would be something like following (single
line command):

cscript /nologo DriverInfInfo.vbs /folder:%windir%\inf /format:csv

After importing resulting drivers.csv log file to Excel or <insert your
favorite spreadsheet editor here> you'll have a nice table of supported

You'll probably will not get a 100% complete list of drivers shipped in
Vista with this script but you'll have a good idea on which Plug-and-Play
devices are supported out of the box.
Wasn't that the one that they showed in the Remo Williams movie? Yeah, that
movie where Willford Brimley had a tape drive on his desktop? ;-)