I guess you didn't see my post:
From the Windows Vista Blog:
"Some sites out in the community have begun posting links to the Customer
Preview Program (CPP) download of Windows Vista RC1. Before you jump up to
get your own download of RC1, please bear in mind these facts:
If you previously registered for the Windows Vista Beta 2 Customer Preview
Program 2 and received a product key (PID), that key will work for the
Windows Vista RC1 release as well. You need not re-register; you will need
to download the RC1 ISO image, however. Microsoft has just today begun
sending download links via email to previous Customer Preview Program
participants who registered for Windows Vista Beta 2 back in June. Not all
emails are being sent simultaneously, so there may be a few hours' delay in
delivery of yours.
The Customer Preview Program has yet to open back up for new registrants.
Therefore, if you do not already have a PID and were not part of June's Beta
2 CPP, you will need to wait until the CPP opens to the public in order to
register for a PID and install RC1. I expect that this will occur in the
very near future, so keep watching this blog.
In other words: if you choose to download RC1 now and weren't part of the
Beta 2 CPP in June, you must wait until the CPP is opened to the public
before you'll be able acquire a PID that will enable you to install RC1.
Please be mindful of the above when making your decision to download. I
must confess that while I and everyone on the team certainly appreciate your
enthusiasm for downloading, registering and testing RC1, posting comments to
this or any other MS blog asking for product keys won't get them to you any
faster. There's nothing I can do to accelerate the public availability of
RC1; but, I can keep you informed, and pledge to do exactly that.
So, once the RC1 Customer Preview Program officially opens up to new
registrations, you can expect a post here letting you know. Thanks for your
patience in the interim

Check out the Windows Vista blog here: