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I've installed Vista RC1 under several Vmware and Microsoft virtual
machines, and my impression was always negative, it is just too slow and too
ugly there.
But today, I've installed Vista RC1 on a real machine, my Toshiba Tecra
tablet PC, with a Nvidia graphics card, and with the glass interface
Suddenly, everything just changed, Vista is actually running faster, and the
graphics is amazing.
Now I got it, that OS was never designed to work in the standard or basic
interface, that OS was designed to work with the glass interface
Anyway, I should say good work Microsoft, I have tons of posting here
criticizing Vista under a VM, but under a real machine it is just beautiful,
I love it
machines, and my impression was always negative, it is just too slow and too
ugly there.
But today, I've installed Vista RC1 on a real machine, my Toshiba Tecra
tablet PC, with a Nvidia graphics card, and with the glass interface
Suddenly, everything just changed, Vista is actually running faster, and the
graphics is amazing.
Now I got it, that OS was never designed to work in the standard or basic
interface, that OS was designed to work with the glass interface

Anyway, I should say good work Microsoft, I have tons of posting here
criticizing Vista under a VM, but under a real machine it is just beautiful,
I love it