vista RC1 file download problem

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hello all ive been trying to download the RC1 version of Vista for the last
couple of days, the download actualy finishes fine, but its only 2Gb in size
now ive heard that its acgtualy around the 2.6Gb size range. Whats going on,
ive been using the official download link from CPP partisipants and in total
ive now downloaded it 4 times and there all only 2Gb so where is the other
Sounds like you are hitting the maximum file size limit on you host system -
Windows 98 with a FAT 16 file system has a maximim file size of 2GB.
If thats the case then you'll need to upgrade to a FAT32 (or better) file
Im usinf Windows XP Home SP2 with a NTFS file system NOT FAT 16 or 32 so i
dont see how that can be the problem, any other ideas.
i have Windows XP Home SP2 and NTFS file system NOT FAT 16 or 32 so i dont
see how that can be the problem, any other ideas.