VISTA problems



I just bought a new Dell Inspiron 1501, 2 gigs ram.......with Vista Home
premium. out of the box the cd/dvd did not work, I had to download a new
driver, not a good way to start. I installed MS office, itunes and Firefox.
The system is not useable due to the slowness of the system at times. There
are time when browsing from web page to web page it sits and does nothing for
30 seconds to a minute. Sometimes opening windows explorer will tank 1 to 2
minutes. Dell had me go back to the restore to new - it still does the same
thing. I have several other machines commected to my cable wireless system
system, running XP pro and XP home without any problems, with blazing speed.

Cal Bear '66

Fresh out of the box problems?
You should not have ANY problems with a brand new computer.


rickwagner19388 said:
I just bought a new Dell Inspiron 1501, 2 gigs ram.......with Vista Home
premium. out of the box the cd/dvd did not work, I had to download a new
driver, not a good way to start. I installed MS office, itunes and Firefox.
The system is not useable due to the slowness of the system at times. There
are time when browsing from web page to web page it sits and does nothing for
30 seconds to a minute. Sometimes opening windows explorer will tank 1 to 2
minutes. Dell had me go back to the restore to new - it still does the same
thing. I have several other machines commected to my cable wireless system
system, running XP pro and XP home without any problems, with blazing speed.

Since it arrived in non-working's a warranty problem.
Your best bet is to call Dell again and tell them the system restore did
*not* do the trick
and you need the machine serviced under warranty.

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

You could try doing a disk clean up to see if it makes an improvement. Also
click Start > type Performance Information and Tools hit Enter. Under Rate
and improve your computers performance, click "Learn how you can improve
your computer's performance" link. This should provide some possible answers
why its slow at times. Another thing to point out, the Windows Indexing
Engine might be still indexing files and provides, but should improve over

Isaac Hunt

philo said:
Since it arrived in non-working's a warranty problem.
Your best bet is to call Dell again and tell them the system restore did
*not* do the trick
and you need the machine serviced under warranty.

I'd argue that it isn't of merchantable quality & insist on a refund.

Doris Day

Isaac said:
I'd argue that it isn't of merchantable quality & insist on a refund.

I can't see how any computer preloaded with Vista could be anything but
problematic since this operating system has so many inherent problems. Most
knowledgeable computer users are waiting to see whether SP1 for Vista will
correct the problems before they even consider purchasing such machines.
Those who have already lost faith in Microsoft's ability to deliver a
quality product have abandoned it entirely and have moved on to more
capable and stable alternatives, like Ubuntu.

Love and Kisses,


You could download a pclinuxos on one of your xp machines, burn it, and
see how it runs on your new Dell. If it runs well, then you would know
that is Vista and not the machine...


Ubuntu as a Windows alternative? You've got to be joking. I recently tried
it. It when it couldn't even recognize the Intel 3915 ABG wireless hardware
and get me onto the net, why even bother. Oh, and it also corrupted my
hal.dll. Fortunately I know about the RC commands so I didn't need to
repair install. Linux is still junk, a time waster, rather than something
of utility - To the average computer user who needs to get some work done
without making the OS a passion.


Remove the 'it' from the beginning of the 4th sentence. The adapter number
should read 3945 ABG.


Send it back and get an HP!

Andre Da Costa said:
You could try doing a disk clean up to see if it makes an improvement.
Also click Start > type Performance Information and Tools hit Enter. Under
Rate and improve your computers performance, click "Learn how you can
improve your computer's performance" link. This should provide some
possible answers why its slow at times. Another thing to point out, the
Windows Indexing Engine might be still indexing files and provides, but
should improve over time.
My Vista Quickstart Guide:!E8E5CC039D51E3DB!9709.entry

Ashton Crusher

I can't see how any computer preloaded with Vista could be anything but
problematic since this operating system has so many inherent problems. Most
knowledgeable computer users are waiting to see whether SP1 for Vista will
correct the problems before they even consider purchasing such machines.
Those who have already lost faith in Microsoft's ability to deliver a
quality product have abandoned it entirely and have moved on to more
capable and stable alternatives, like Ubuntu.

Love and Kisses,

Well, plenty of people are running it just fine. I built my own and
it works fine with Vista Ultimate and economy minded hardware (good
but not gold plated). If I can build one from scratch Dell and the
others should be able to make one that works with Vista without any

Doris Day

PowerUser said:
Ubuntu as a Windows alternative? You've got to be joking. I recently
it. It when it couldn't even recognize the Intel 3915 ABG wireless
and get me onto the net, why even bother. Oh, and it also corrupted my
hal.dll. Fortunately I know about the RC commands so I didn't need to
repair install. Linux is still junk, a time waster, rather than something
of utility - To the average computer user who needs to get some work done
without making the OS a passion.
A "PowerUser" hey? Only in your own mind.

Love and Kisses,

Doris Day

Pulse said:
I also tried Ubuntu and would vote for Vista a hundred percent of the
Another top posting power user I see. Just couldn't figure out how to use a
real operating system? Sure is a sad commentary, but I guess that is the
level that Wintards are able to obtain. I see that Wintards tend to travel
in pairs around here. I guess that is the only way the sum total of their
IQ rating can reach above 65.

Love and Kisses,


Doris, you seem very angry love...

have a nice Day Doris. Enjoy youe Ubuntu, there is more in my life than a



The internet problem is the virus scanner - i had this problem with my new
If you disable the phishing protection feature on the McAffee virus scanner
that comes installed with the Dell machines the internet SHOULD(!) work


You define a high IQ as spending 10 minutes following a readme on how to
install Java? Open the terminal every time you want to get some fairly
simple task (which could be achieved with a check box in Windows) done and
Google the commands? Configure and 'build' installers in Linux when in
Windows it simply involves a bunch of clicks through a GUI?

I juggle a grad engineering course (not CS btw), a part-time job, my passion
for technology, adventure, gaming and astronomy. I simply don't consider
doing any of the above spending time constructively. (FYI, A power user
isn't necessarily a computer user).

Don de Gouveia

You are living i a dreamworld if you think Vista has no problems out of the
box. Dell even ships it with a driver issue and now they are installing XP
on new machines if you request. I have uninstalled Vista on client machines
and installed XP to make them happy. My machine(ASUS Core2Duo,3Gb 1KRpm
HDD,SLI) cannot run for more than 8 hours without crashing.

Fresh out of the box problems?
You should not have ANY problems with a brand new computer.

Cal Bear '66

Running Vista here since Jan. 31st -- not a single blue screen -- everything
works beautifully -- only found 2 old programs that caused problems & easily
fixed the problems -- love the interface -- terrific performance -- all
peripherals work great -- runs at least 10 hours a day

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