I was notified in Windows that I was able to upgrade my verson of Home
Premium (32bit) to Ultimate. I searched through text and found that I was
able to select an option to upgrade and download, on the spot from Microsoft,
Ultimate 64bit.
The install went smoothly and everything is running the great. The only
problem is, in system information, it says Im still running a 32bit system. I
have 8 gigs of RAM and it still only reads 3780 Mb.
I paid $166.00 for the wrong version of Vista Ultimate apperantly. I have no
clue on what I am supposed to do!? I want 64bit Ultimate. I have no way of
contacting Microsoft with the problem, they want $59 to talk, chat, or email
Am I out $166? I really dont know what to do......any help is greatly
Premium (32bit) to Ultimate. I searched through text and found that I was
able to select an option to upgrade and download, on the spot from Microsoft,
Ultimate 64bit.
The install went smoothly and everything is running the great. The only
problem is, in system information, it says Im still running a 32bit system. I
have 8 gigs of RAM and it still only reads 3780 Mb.
I paid $166.00 for the wrong version of Vista Ultimate apperantly. I have no
clue on what I am supposed to do!? I want 64bit Ultimate. I have no way of
contacting Microsoft with the problem, they want $59 to talk, chat, or email
Am I out $166? I really dont know what to do......any help is greatly