Vista on mactel...

  • Thread starter Thread starter M. Murcek
  • Start date Start date
Looks like they have a trifecta.......Windows, OS X, and Linux--all on the
same box! That is enticing indeed. I'd prefer virtualization to skip the
reboot (altho 23 seconds isn't bad), but that is supposedly an ability of
the Core Duo chipsets, so that might be coming in the future.

Andre Da Costa said:
Intel Mac is looking more and more enticing. :)

Wouldn't it be cheaper to go the other way since we already have non-Apple boxes?
That is to say, run OSX on our machines rather than buy a new machine and move XP
and Vista over to it.

Tom Lake
Tom Lake said:
Wouldn't it be cheaper to go the other way since we already have non-Apple
That is to say, run OSX on our machines rather than buy a new machine and
move XP
and Vista over to it.

Tom Lake

Seems like it will be a "harder nut to crack" due to the built-in DRM on the
Core Duo chipset that makes OS X tick. After all, Apple makes its money
from hardware, not software. They want to be the go-to computer, not the
provider of software to beige boxes.

I'm not saying it won't be hacked, but I don't think Apple will every try to
be a mass-market PC OS provider. It is too hard to support every
permutation and combination of PCs out there.

I could see them possibly bringing in another OEM to build to their specs (a
la cloning) but not opening their OS to all PCs.

My $.02
Yeah, it would be, I have been lurking through the OSx86project forums, and
trust me, its difficult to install OS X on a generic PC. The procedures
provided to install XP on an iMac is more user friendly for my taste. As I
mentioned in an earlier post, the iMac Core Duo is 32-bit, which is a draw
back for me, so if I was to invest in a Macintosh, it would likely be the
Intel x86 PowerMacs when they become available.
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