Vista Offline Files "Access Deined" Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Becker
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Stephen Becker

I am running Vista Ultimate on a Windows 2000 AD network with Windows 2003
R2 file servers. I am attempting to use the offline files feature on my
laptop but have had no success.

By group policy we redirect the "Documents" folder to a file server. My
computer tried to make those files available offline as I expected it to.
However, when I try to sync I get an error on every file saying "access
denied." I can browse the folder, but when I try to open the files (even
when the computer is online) I get "access denied." I was able to access
these file before turning on offline files.

I also tested a shared folder on a public drive. I checked to verify I
could open files, no problems. I enabled available offline and the initial
sync failed (all access denieds). I was not able to open any of the files
(again, even when working online). I turned off the "available offline"
option and everything went back to working as expected.

Keep in mind that I am an administrator of my computer and both servers in

I assume this should work out of the box, so I'm guessing there is something
set wrong in our environment. Can anyone offer troubleshooting tips?

I figured it out. There was a policy set to require offline files to be
encrypted. I'm not really sure why that didn't work as-is, but encryption
is not a requirement for me, so I just turned it off.
Thank you for the update.

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I figured it out. There was a policy set to require offline files to be
encrypted. I'm not really sure why that didn't work as-is, but encryption
is not a requirement for me, so I just turned it off.

I have the same problem. File are initially stored on a XP ... with FAT file
system (yes, it still exists ! for Win9x multi boot)

Before, with another XP, it worked great. Now, Lots of "junk temporary
files" appear like this {D22414D4-BD25-4709-BB95-2071770FB0C4}.tmp in the
folders, but the synchronisation failed with "access denied".

It looks as if the synchronization is able to write the new version on the
file on the disk, but fail to overwrite the old version.

Thanks for any idea,
