I removed two Barracuda 7200.7 120gig hard drives in a raid 0 (striped)
configuration from my old XP system and just plugged them into a new vista
home (maybe premium not sure) AMD 64 core duo system - and vista only
recognizes the two separate drives as unformatted drives and offers to format
them for me. These drives were data drives only - no OS installed on them. I
just want to be able to use them again as data drives for direct sound
recording and fast imaging drives. What drivers do I need, where do I get
them and how do I install them for vista. Or, do I have to put them back in
my old computer and transfer the data off ( I need the data that is on them
now), then reformat them as raid 0 in vista?
configuration from my old XP system and just plugged them into a new vista
home (maybe premium not sure) AMD 64 core duo system - and vista only
recognizes the two separate drives as unformatted drives and offers to format
them for me. These drives were data drives only - no OS installed on them. I
just want to be able to use them again as data drives for direct sound
recording and fast imaging drives. What drivers do I need, where do I get
them and how do I install them for vista. Or, do I have to put them back in
my old computer and transfer the data off ( I need the data that is on them
now), then reformat them as raid 0 in vista?