Vista: My *Thoughts*... ;-)

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I've Been Reading EVERYTHANG I Can About "Vista", Including This:

The World As Best As I Remember It : Broken Windows Theory

It Appears To Me That, MOST Vista Problems Are Related To The Attempt To Try
To Incorporate, What Are Essentially, "Applications": e.g. IE, Search,
Outlook, DRM, etc...., Directly Into The Vista OS (Core), ...For
"Performance" Reasons?

This Is Where We Differ...

I Believe That, The Vista (Core) OS Should Contain ONLY The Toolz (Code)
NECESSARY To Get, The D@MN Thing, The PC (Computer), W-O-R-K-I-N-G! ...&
These "Applications": e.g. IE, Search, Outlook, DRM, etc... Should Be
Imported Via PlugIns, Modules, Whatevers!!!

This Is Not To Say That, I Or, Other Users Are Opposed To The NEW Vista,
"COOLNESS" Or, Security Or, AnyThang Else!

It's Jus'That an OS, Any OS, Should Do What an OS Is Suppose To Do, Which Is
Be An "Operating System" For a Machine, ...PC/Computer!

I Believe Separating Out The Proposed "Applications": e.g. IE, Search,
Outlook, DRM, etc..., From The Vista (Core) OS Will Get This D@MN Thang,
W-O-R-K-I-N-G, Useable!

So, What About The "Fall-Out" From Such a Proposed Change?

I Believe That, Microsoft Should Have MORE Faith In Microsoft Users, To See
Thru What Might Be The "Hysterical" Reaction of The Drive-By Media,
Technology/Financial/MainStream, To an Announcement of This Change!

Heck! The "Hysterical" Drive-By Media, Technology/Financial/MainStream Is

I Have More *Thoughts* On Vista That, I'll Save For Another Post!


The View Master wrote On 6/18/2006 3:06 PM:
I Believe That, The Vista (Core) OS Should Contain ONLY The Toolz (Code)
NECESSARY To Get, The D@MN Thing, The PC (Computer), W-O-R-K-I-N-G! ...&
These "Applications": e.g. IE, Search, Outlook, DRM, etc... Should Be
Imported Via PlugIns, Modules, Whatevers!!!

YOUR *thoughts* and C-O-M-M-E-N-T-S are essentially the view of the
"micro-kernel" crowd and are familiar to OS developers and watchers!!!!!

If you have M-O-R-E "*\thoughts/*" to S-H-A-R-E with us, please do but
disable your dash and CAPS LOCK buttons first.

Perhaps you can explain to us how Vista can avoid clashes between
plugins and extensions or how applications can run in user space without
sacrificing (much) performance? Some good solutions might sway the
Redmond crowd to your (micro) view.
Why "XML", Of Course...

KWE said:
The View Master wrote On 6/18/2006 3:06 PM:

YOUR *thoughts* and C-O-M-M-E-N-T-S are essentially the view of the
"micro-kernel" crowd and are familiar to OS developers and watchers!!!!!

If you have M-O-R-E "*\thoughts/*" to S-H-A-R-E with us, please do but
disable your dash and CAPS LOCK buttons first.

Perhaps you can explain to us how Vista can avoid clashes between
plugins and extensions or how applications can run in user space without
sacrificing (much) performance? Some good solutions might sway the
Redmond crowd to your (micro) view.

Why "XML", Of Course...

Credit: Steve Ballmer For That, Quote! ...*LOL*!!! ;-)

AnyWayz, I Believe The "Micro"Soft-Ware Crowd Has Got It RIGHT!!! ...The
"Performance" Issue IS NOT The Issue That, It Once Was!

The "Performance" Issue Aside, What's The Hold-Up?

As VISTA stands now, it is still a BETA OS and will be for several months.
Perhaps it would be good to look at all the warning that accompany VISTA BETA
2 in the release notes.
The View Master wrote On 6/18/2006 3:38 PM:
AnyWayz, I Believe The "Micro"Soft-Ware Crowd Has Got It RIGHT!!! ...The
"Performance" Issue IS NOT The Issue That, It Once Was!

The "Performance" Issue Aside, What's The Hold-Up?
You said in your first message that you thought it would be best to
strip user applications out of the kernel.

And now you say that Microsoft has got it right.

These two statements are inconsistent both for XP and Vista.