Crashed in the Carolinas
In the last few weeks, my Vista pc has been crashing an average of 3-5 times
a day. No apparent cause - it just up and reboots. It doesn't matter what
software I am using at the time, or even if the computer is in standby mode.
It just restarts itself with increasing frequency. Is there a way to figure
out what the heck is causing the crash? I have updated every driver I know
of, and keep Vista updated (yes, I have installed SP1 - maybe that's the
By way of additional information, I have had this pc for a little over a
year. It worked fine for most of that time, with only the usual intermittent
windows crash. But over the last few weeks (maybe a month or so), it has
just started crashing like crazy. I'm at a loss of what to do other than
scrap Vista and go back to XP, or try one of the linux variants. I would
rather get Vista working, since I paid for the piece of junk. But I am about
ready to try something else - it couldn't possibly be any worse.
a day. No apparent cause - it just up and reboots. It doesn't matter what
software I am using at the time, or even if the computer is in standby mode.
It just restarts itself with increasing frequency. Is there a way to figure
out what the heck is causing the crash? I have updated every driver I know
of, and keep Vista updated (yes, I have installed SP1 - maybe that's the
By way of additional information, I have had this pc for a little over a
year. It worked fine for most of that time, with only the usual intermittent
windows crash. But over the last few weeks (maybe a month or so), it has
just started crashing like crazy. I'm at a loss of what to do other than
scrap Vista and go back to XP, or try one of the linux variants. I would
rather get Vista working, since I paid for the piece of junk. But I am about
ready to try something else - it couldn't possibly be any worse.