Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated for 2nd
half of this year...nice quality release.
half of this year...nice quality release.
Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated for 2nd
half of this year...nice quality release.
Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated for 2nd
half of this year...nice quality release.
PKM said:Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated
for 2nd half of this year...nice quality release.
No different to Windows XP then.Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated for 2nd
half of this year...nice quality release.
PKM said:Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated
for 2nd half of this year...nice quality release.
Shenan said:When did Windows XP RTM?
- August 24, 2001
When was Windows XP released?
- October 25, 2001
When did Windows XP SP1 RTM?
- August 30, 2002
When was Windows XP SP1 released?
- September 9, 2002
When did Windows XP SP2 RTM?
- August 6, 2004
When was Windows XP SP2 released?
- August 16, 2004
When did Windows Vista RTM?
- November 8, 2006
When will/was Windows Vista released?
- January 30, 2007
So if SP1 for Windows Vista came out between November 14, 2007 and
February 9, 2008 --> that would be pretty much 'par'.
Good/bad not really in play it seems. heh
Gerry said:Hi heh A?
Windows XP SP1A
PKM said:Quote me on that...you heard it here first. SP1 is already slated for 2nd half of this
year...nice quality release.
Mike said:Old news.. heard it somewhere before you..
Nina said:http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2007/01/25/vista_sp1_release_scheduled_for_2h07/
Vista SP1 release scheduled for 2H07
Author: Tim Smalley
Published: 25th January 2007
The latest round of leaked emails from Microsoft has revealed that the
software giant has put Windows Vista Service Pack 1 on fast track.
According to APC Magazine, the email puts a call out for "customers and
partners (to) actively test and provide feedback on Windows Vista SP1 to
help us prepare for its release in the second half of CY07 (calendar
year 2007)."
The leaked memo outlined the company's primary focus for the service
pack: "regressions from Windows Vista and Windows XP, security,
deployment blockers and other high impact issues as are the primary
focus for the Service Pack."
The final part of that statement may be enough to put many off upgrading
to Vista before SP1 is released. Ouch.
Beta testers that reply to Microsoft's call out will be required to
actively deploy and test Vista SP1 in production environments at each
major milestone release. Testers will be required to provide extensive
feedback to the software giant, as the company wants to ensure that SP1
is rock solid.
MS is fast tracking the SP1 because of Vista's "High impact issues"! LOL
Well, at least MS is consistent. Every OS they put out is initially a
piece of crap.
Ronnie said:This was neither a "leaked email" nor a memo. The email was sent to tens
of thousands of Microsoft partners and journalist's for publication. But
leaked and memo makes for good copy and the writer sounds like he has a
real inside track on private information.