MicroFox said:
I bet she doesnt like vista...
Actually she has been using Vista since RC1. She uses it just fine and is a
big fan of WMP 11 and the layout of IE 7. Considering she is a total
non-tech, thats a good thing in my book and shows Microsoft knows exactly
what they were doing.
Who said anything about disk space? Who cares about that.. I am talking
about resources... you can count cant you? MUST I give you screenshots so
you can open your eyes to the truth?
When one says FAT, that means size. It doesn't mean speed. Resources? Lemme
see, with WMP 11, IE 7 and Windows Mail open, my CPU utilization is around
6% with 21% Physical Memory in use. 65 processes. Doesn't seem out of the
ordinary to me. Must I give you screenshots so YOU can see the truth?
Do this simple test please... download the trial of vmware workstation or
better yet vmware server (free), and load xp and vista,
see how they react and compare the two. Do some timing.. if you have
enough ram (2 gb and up), load them both side by side and do some real
VMWare doesn't fully support Windows Vista as a guest OS at this time.
VMWare comments on it can be found here:
If you read they warn of degraded performance under VMWare. Your test simply
isn't valid. On the same computer I used to have one hard drive with XP and
one with Vista. I'm QUITE familiar with both OS's and I feel that Vista is
better in a majority of the stuff I do day to day.
Don't let facts stand in the way of your FUD OK?
You are delusional... lol. it may seem that way to you..but it is an
illusion. The timers dont lie, but you do (even though you might not do it
on purpose)!
As I said, for the applications I am running Vista runs them as fast and in
some instances FASTER than XP did. One that runs faster under Vista? IL-2
Sturmovik. Usually 15-20 FPS faster across the board.
Your limited brain capacity makes you beleive that USA is the world. Vista
is a global product and its more expensive than xp was when it came out
for the most population of the world, ok?
Checking global prices, it seems less expensive in Canada, UK and DownUnder.
I don't have pricing info on other countries at this time.
Eye candy is great, but you have to have very good design as a base,
something that vista does not have. All the gui changes are problematic. I
wont go over this again...
To you, to others including myself and MANY others, it's great.
A good design base? I would have to say Windows Server 2003 is a rather good
Posted here by another user you cant really turn off everything easily...
I have explained why the cacheing of disks is a dead end and a feature
that should
be given a very apparent option to be turned off. But you never pay
attention to what I post.. you just holler troll troll troll and say
stupid things instead learning a few things.
I can turn off everything that could cause disk thrashing rather easily.
Don't blame Microsoft for your lack of knowledge and competency.
Good for you.. I am not saying anything about your marrige, its great that
you are happy.
But you are a dunce when it comes to computers.
Must be doing something correct. Been working in the industry going on 18
years now. But hey, there is always something to learn. You for one could
start with Vista's basics.
In a very short time computers will come out that will be very fast, and
the extra weight of vista wont matter all that much.. but the bad gui
design remains... and even a service pack wont fix that....
If you think that the above machine will run vista ok please find one and
use that as your main machine for a while.. then come back and tell us
your experience.
My wife's computer is one. Never once has she complained about any speed
issues, or feeling slow when compared to XP in any way.
I'm still waiting for PROOF of a bad GUI design, other than your rather
lacking dismissal as a bad gui design. I HIGHLY recommend you read some
basic GUI design books, or possibly even take a class on it and see many of
the features changed in GUI design were specifically made to make it a
better HUMAN interface.
Not me, you
Still waiting for it to try...
Who said you have good taste?
Who said it was needed...
Bill F.