vista is crap

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every game i play on vista a has a Problem .i like really playing
Civilization IV but now i cant . i suggest to all my friends in not upgrade
or go to apply mac.
Vista crap said:
every game i play on vista a has a Problem .i like really playing
Civilization IV but now i cant . i suggest to all my friends in not
or go to apply mac.

have a look here for games on vista
Vista crap said:
every game i play on vista a has a Problem .i like really playing
Civilization IV but now i cant . i suggest to all my friends in not
or go to apply mac.

Civilization IV working great here, playing it right now.

If you decide to stop acting like a 7 year old and try some basic
troubleshooting let some of us know and we might do something to assist.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

*Remove nospam. to reply by e-mail*
a dumb** mother**** here
stop doing some 6-year-old things please
like Paul Smith said
learn more u stupid
there are way less games u can play on MAC than Windows.....u dumb
Agreed. Go into a software store. There's maybe two rows (I said maybe) of
games for Macs but a dozen rows for Windows. Nuf said.
And not a single one will run on Vista.
Or at least with *your* graphics card or *your* sound card.

Vista is crap. My wife's won't even run those at vistareadygames
I can go to and find games for my Mac - plenty - and all of them
run fine, thank you!
I'm not here to defend Vista, but in terms of running games, I don't know
that I would call it crap. So far it's run just about everything I wanted
to. Granted, not always as fast as I would like, but it runs them all.

If you're having trouble with that many games, then there would have to be
another problem somewhere.
"at least with *your* graphics card or *your* sound card."
Not sure what that means since games obviously do run on Vista.
If you are saying none work on your computer, perhaps it is the
hardware and not the operating system.
However, since you left out all pertinent details, no one can help to
determine where the cause of the problem lies.
Vista crap said:
every game i play on vista a has a Problem .i like really playing
Civilization IV but now i cant . i suggest to all my friends in not
or go to apply mac.

I can sympathise. Many things I like about Vista, but far more I DON'T.
Vista crap explained on 5/11/2007 :
every game i play on vista a has a Problem .i like really playing
Civilization IV but now i cant . i suggest to all my friends in not upgrade
or go to apply mac.

So, you friends will play Civilization on a Mac???
Jupiter said:
"at least with *your* graphics card or *your* sound card."
Not sure what that means since games obviously do run on Vista.
If you are saying none work on your computer, perhaps it is the hardware
and not the operating system.
However, since you left out all pertinent details, no one can help to
determine where the cause of the problem lies.

Well, it's pretty clear to me what he means and pretty clear where the
cause of the problem lies.

What he refers to is the fact that game "A" will run on your hardware,
game "B" will not and game "C" will run in a half assed manner but only
with limited screen resolution or some other problem.

Before you start with "It's your older hardware" and so on, don't bother
- I have some of the very latest hardware and the problem is the same -
yet all works well under XP.

All my systems have removable drives, as an MVP I'm lucky, there are no
licensing issues such as the normal user would have to endure and I have
more than one PC, but my sympathies lie with a user who has traded in a
useful machine for a Vista system only to be met with driver issues, UAC
nag screens, everything familiar on the desktop shuffled around to no
useful purpose, a media player that plays less than any previous
versions and a lot of allegedly "Vista Ready" software that doesn't
actually work properly.

Whilst this is not all Microsoft's fault it's not exactly "Wow" either,
and it is no use to anybody trying to make out that everything's just
fine and dandy so it must be the user's fault... it doesn't even help
Microsoft now does it?

Vista was billed as the latest and greatest, and no matter what your
excuses are the fact is that it is not, at least not yet.

Hash: SHA512

Vista said:
every game i play on vista a has a Problem .i like really playing
Civilization IV but now i cant . i suggest to all my friends in not upgrade
or go to apply mac.

If you operate a computer as well as you type, it is obvious why nothing
works for you. Don't blame it on Vista.

- --
Iron Feliks

Trolls are like babies. After feeding, they get stinky.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Feliks said:
Hash: SHA512

If you operate a computer as well as you type, it is obvious why nothing
works for you. Don't blame it on Vista.

- --
Iron Feliks

Trolls are like babies. After feeding, they get stinky.

I don't recall anybody "Feeding" you...
"as an MVP I'm lucky, there are no licensing issues such as the normal
user would have to endure"
What kind of an MVP is that?
The Microsoft MVPs, are bound by the Exact SAME license as everyone
If you think otherwise, you are very much mistaken.

"What he refers to is the fact that..."
That is not what was said.
What was said:
"And not a single one will run on Vista. Or at least with *your*
graphics card or *your* sound card."
You and he are not saying the same thing at all.
Jupiter said:
"as an MVP I'm lucky, there are no licensing issues such as the normal
user would have to endure"
What kind of an MVP is that?
The Microsoft MVPs, are bound by the Exact SAME license as everyone else.
If you think otherwise, you are very much mistaken.

"What he refers to is the fact that..."
That is not what was said.
What was said:
"And not a single one will run on Vista. Or at least with *your*
graphics card or *your* sound card."
You and he are not saying the same thing at all.
Well congratulations, you are even more obtuse than I had anticipated.

IF you can bear to put yourself in the position of an ordinary retail
purchaser of Vista you would consider the following:-

Installing Vista on a machine begins with the "Activate Windows Now"
option already selected. It is likely that the average user wants to get
on with the task and will leave this option selected - and this assumes
they even understand fully what it means which I do but you apparently

After the install hardware issues occur - as detailed by the OP in this
case... it does not play well with "Your" hardware.

However IF the user purchases new hardware he will most likely have to
reactivate, no big deal but more hassle.

Since I have an MSDN subscription this is not an issue for me but is a
different concept for many users. I have some free activations for use
while testing, the ordinary user has one!

Now, if you think this is the same agreement an ordinary user gets then
it not me who is wrong but you. Personally I think MS play quite fairly,
however the activation issue is potentially intimidating for some
because it implies "Guilty until you prove yourself innocent" to a lot
of people. That may be right or wrong, but it is the impression some get
that is the issue here and which in the end will cost MS sales.

Next you made this statement
"You and he are not saying the same thing at all."
but only after editing my original comment so that indeed it did not say
the same thing, in fact you edited it so that it said virtually nothing.

What the OP actually said was clear enough in meaning, due to the fact
that he placed some words in quotes... again here it is:-

"And not a single one will run on Vista. Or at least with *your*
graphics card or *your* sound card."

Now, I have at least one machine that passed all the compatibility
checks but still won;t run Vista, or at least it wouldn't until I
replaced the graphics card, which nevertheless was listed as compatible.

As an MVP I am aware that even MS cannot get things right all the time,
and as an MSDN subscriber this hardware issue was not a real problem for
me, but in the ordinary user's place both could have been a monumental
nuisance, therefore it is my belief that it does nobody any good for
people just to take the attitude that "I've had no problems so it must
be the user's / hardware manufacturer's problem". This is not a good
approach and not the least bit helpful to the less knowledgable user, in
fact it's likely to put them off using these newsgroups for the purpose
they were intended.

So in future if you want to throw licensing issues in people's face
please try to get a grasp of reality and when you quote "What was said"
then do so in a manner that preserves the context instead of
deliberately trying to mislead the reader.
Anyone can acquire a MSDN subscription and they all have similar
Being an MVP does not change that since MVPs get no special licensing
for use of MSDN, the terms are the same as anyone who acquires an MSDN
Perhaps it would have been more accurate to say:
"as an MSDN subscriber I'm lucky, there are no licensing issues such
as the normal user would have to endure".

"IF you can bear to put yourself in the position of... "
I do it all the time.
Your assumption of otherwise is little more than a mistaken

"I've had no problems so it must be the user's / hardware
manufacturer's problem"
That is entirely your idea, not mine.
Hopefully you do not assume from anything I said that is what was

The reality is Ben, not actually the OP, said very little and never
returned to clarify.
You may be willing to read between the lines and assume, but I will
And you would see that if you read my post.

As I thought you knew, there is more to compatibility than age.
New has never been a guarantee of Windows compatibility and this is
not new to Windows Vista, it was the same when Windows XP was released
as well as previous operating systems.
But somehow you seem to be switching this to your issues when I said
nothing about your systems at all.

"deliberately trying to mislead the reader."
FALSE and you SHOULD know that.
You are making an ASSUMPTION and it is WRONG.
If my intention was to mislead, the entire text would not have been
quoted below as it was.
There was no reason to quote more as the rest was already below in the
Okay, for clarity I will insert comments in line...

Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:

Anyone can acquire a MSDN subscription and they all have similar licensing.
Being an MVP does not change that since MVPs get no special licensing
for use of MSDN, the terms are the same as anyone who acquires an MSDN
Perhaps it would have been more accurate to say:
"as an MSDN subscriber I'm lucky, there are no licensing issues such as
the normal user would have to endure".

Perhaps it would, however I was also taking into account that most MVPs
are aware of the fact that WGA and Activation are not quite the same
thing (Yet?) but to many people "Your hardware has changed significantly
sing you originally installed windows" or whatever it says is followed
by a warning that in 3 days your system will stop working unless you
reactivate. Not only is this intimidating and confusing your OS provider
has just told you your new $1500 machine will turn into a slab of
concrete because "They" think you may have stolen it. "I" know this is
not the case, as presumably do you, but many do not know and thus my
reference to being an MVP and having no licensing issues such as the
normal user would have to endure is in large part directed toward the
fact that even if I did not have the advantage of "Spare" activations
from MSDN (For perfectly legitimate purposes I would not be worried
about phoning MS and explaining.

"IF you can bear to put yourself in the position of... "
I do it all the time.
Your assumption of otherwise is little more than a mistaken assumption.

It may be but that is not always obvious.

"I've had no problems so it must be the user's / hardware manufacturer's
That is entirely your idea, not mine.
Hopefully you do not assume from anything I said that is what was meant.

That is most certainly how it looked...

The reality is Ben, not actually the OP, said very little and never
returned to clarify.
You may be willing to read between the lines and assume, but I will not.
And you would see that if you read my post.

As I thought you knew, there is more to compatibility than age.
New has never been a guarantee of Windows compatibility and this is not
new to Windows Vista, it was the same when Windows XP was released as
well as previous operating systems.
But somehow you seem to be switching this to your issues when I said
nothing about your systems at all.

Well, if you would quit the selective editing you presently engage in
you would be able to read that I was actually SAYING that hardware age
had nothing to do with it. Let me remind you of your post that I first
replied to...


Not sure what that means since games obviously do run on Vista.
If you are saying none work on your computer, perhaps it is the hardware
and not the operating system.
However, since you left out all pertinent details, no one can help to
determine where the cause of the problem lies.


And then I asked you :-


Before you start with "It's your older hardware" and so on, don't bother
- I have some of the very latest hardware and the problem is the same -
yet all works well under XP.


As I pointed out it was obvious that the person you were replying to was
NOT referring to specific hardware but was nevertheless relating to
something that's not an uncommon experience.

"deliberately trying to mislead the reader."
FALSE and you SHOULD know that.
You are making an ASSUMPTION and it is WRONG.
If my intention was to mislead, the entire text would not have been
quoted below as it was.
There was no reason to quote more as the rest was already below in the

Care to look again and see if it's there in it's entirety?
You are obviously not reading what I say as is obvious by:
"Care to look again and see if it's there in it's entirety?"
I did just to be sure I did not edit something unintended and they are
ALL of my posts in this thread quote the poster I responded to in
Now you look again and see what you have obviously missed.
There is probably more as well as the obvious that you have missed.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]
Jupiter said:
You are obviously not reading what I say as is obvious by:
"Care to look again and see if it's there in it's entirety?"
I did just to be sure I did not edit something unintended and they are
ALL of my posts in this thread quote the poster I responded to in ENTIRETY.
Now you look again and see what you have obviously missed.
There is probably more as well as the obvious that you have missed.

Actually although your reply (The one to which I am responding now)
appears complete the one I said was incomplete still appears on this
machine to be incomplete.

I find that strange but don't particularly want to go to great lengths
to figure out why, since there is more than one newsreader that does
strange things with posts from time to time. That being the case, if you
have checked, then I apologize for the incorrect suggestion.
I tend to agree with your post...I also remember when xp came out and it was
a joke causing never ending problems....Now it is a pretty solid op system
but sadly bogged down with service packs and other crap that has hurt it I
believe...Technology moves forward and we now have a new "xp" to tweak and
cure its ails...Unfortunately people tend to forget how bad xp truly was
when it first came out....I also know what you mean about same system
different results...I have answered some questions in these newsgroups from
people that have just about the identical system as I ...They are having
never ending problems and I have had none....I believe that the only way
that I have not had these problems is the fact that I built a brand new
custom machine when xp came out and had no problems ..This time I built
another brand new custom machine for Vista and once again no problems...I
would be leery of installing vista on my (what is now ) old xp machine...I
also believe that if you took a brand new fresh xp sp2 install (with
absolutely nothing else on it) and then installed Vista you would have less
problems...I think a lot of people are taking there xp machines that have
years of crap and possibly damaged drivers and updates and trying to install
Vista and then actually complaining because there are problems...How else
does one explain it ??... Oh and by the way you are right in your assumption
that this is a newsgroup forum but this is also a place for people to vent
therefore yes someone might tell you to **** off !!....I am not one of them
......Just my 3 cents