Clearwire Mail
I went to RUN.... SERVICES.MSC and disabled the Windows Search service. I
don't want indexing on my computer. However, when going to the Properties
of my C: drive, the check mark is ON for indexing my drive. So which is it?
Note: I "think" that if I uncheck the box that shows indexing on my C;
drive, it will alter the characteristics of EVERY file on the computer for
non-indexing, and that will take a while, plus it will thrash my hard drive
insatiably. Isn't simply disabling the Windows Search enough for stopping
all indexing??? Thanks.
don't want indexing on my computer. However, when going to the Properties
of my C: drive, the check mark is ON for indexing my drive. So which is it?
Note: I "think" that if I uncheck the box that shows indexing on my C;
drive, it will alter the characteristics of EVERY file on the computer for
non-indexing, and that will take a while, plus it will thrash my hard drive
insatiably. Isn't simply disabling the Windows Search enough for stopping
all indexing??? Thanks.