I have a number of problems that occured since trying to install a
ZoneAlarm update.
The most consistent one being that the laptop will not log-off in
either normal or Safe mode!
If I either try to shut down or restart from Normal or Safe mode it
shows Logging off... and stays that way. I use the power button to
switch off and the start again.
I have run a registry cleaner, CHKDSK, disk cleaner and deleted all
from windows\temp
The other problems, that are hopefully caused by the same issue are, I
no longer have a network connection, various programs start but then
ZoneAlarm update.
The most consistent one being that the laptop will not log-off in
either normal or Safe mode!
If I either try to shut down or restart from Normal or Safe mode it
shows Logging off... and stays that way. I use the power button to
switch off and the start again.
I have run a registry cleaner, CHKDSK, disk cleaner and deleted all
from windows\temp
The other problems, that are hopefully caused by the same issue are, I
no longer have a network connection, various programs start but then