Will some kind person advise on how to remove fonts from the file i
Vista Home? I am running Office 2003 on my laptop, and the Fonts fil
has MANY fonts installed, the vast number of which I do not want
Simple things in life are generally best. In XP I could simply click o
any font, check to see if it was required, then delete, keeping th
numbers down to a select few. Now in Vista, I am informed that it i
not allowed to remove most of the fonts in the file for some unknow
Help appreciated.
Vista Home? I am running Office 2003 on my laptop, and the Fonts fil
has MANY fonts installed, the vast number of which I do not want
Simple things in life are generally best. In XP I could simply click o
any font, check to see if it was required, then delete, keeping th
numbers down to a select few. Now in Vista, I am informed that it i
not allowed to remove most of the fonts in the file for some unknow
Help appreciated.