Vista-Hard Drive Question



Why with Vista is the hard drive seem to be constantly moving....

Is it normal that on vista causes the hard drive to spin a lot???
someone said vista is always polling the hard drive.......


fred letano

its the search indexing service, and the defrag service...

I personally disable both... the more like XP you can make vista, the

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

Maybe the disk is being indexed, could be your anti-virus utility scanning
in the background. Have you checked the Task Manager to see which processes
have highest memory usage and CPU cycles? Could help filter down the
problem. I would also run a scan using the AV or the built in Windows
Defender antispyware utility.

Kerry Brown

Open the Reliability and Performance Monitor. On the right hand side expand
Disk. You will get real time information as to what processes are accessing
the disk.


Hi Fred...thanks for the reply...I'm not sure but I think I do not have the
indexing installed on this system

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

Microsoft Management Console, it hosts administrative tools that you can use
to administer networks, computers, services, and other system components.

fred letano

all vista machines have search indexing installed and running by default

go to start and in the search box type: services.msc and press enter

look for the windows search indexing service

Kerry Brown

What file is mmc using? If it's C:\pagefile.sys and it's being accessed a
lot then you may need more RAM. What are the specifications for your
computer? What CPU? How much RAM?


I've got 2Gb of ram on a 2.6 ghz

Kerry Brown said:
What file is mmc using? If it's C:\pagefile.sys and it's being accessed a
lot then you may need more RAM. What are the specifications for your
computer? What CPU? How much RAM?

Kerry Brown

Was mmc actively using the paging file or was it just listed there? The
Reliability and Performance Monitor is a snapin that uses mmc.exe so it is
normal for it to show up. You have watch for a while and see what programs
are reading/writing to the disk.

With those specs unless you have a lot of windows open I wouldn't suspect
not enough RAM.


How do i shut off the indexing service?? okay to do that??
In addition to the indexing, there's been System File
Protection running since WinME. It checks the drive every
few seconds for file changes or deletions and replaces
system files from its stash if necessary. On WinME and
XP that can be removed by uninstalling "PCHealth".
(With the pleasant side effect that you can then control
system files and delete things like MS games and Windows
Media Player that Windows will otherwise block you from

I don't know whether uninstalling PCHealth is possible on
Vista. Unfortunately, that kind of disk access will likely kill your
disks well before their time, since a hard disk has moving parts
that wear out.

Your best chance of finding the information necessary
to make Vista behave, if you want to do that, is probably here:


Thanks Fred, I have been looking for a post like this. I have noticed the
same thing. Vista is constatly pounding the HD with no apps running and task
manager does not show that many services using resources either.
Thanks Again, I would like to know how to turn those services or functions
Is there anywhere else that I* can get the information about these problems?
Thanks Again

Debasis Goswami

Actually, not so cool :) Windows search is one of the good features bundled
with Vista. All you need to do is to set it up to index the meaningful
folders you want. Search becomes very fast everywhere within email or on
files when you let the search service run.

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