a friend of mine has such a retail package of Vista Ultimate and i was witness as he made the
In Germany they are selling these already ( against MS wishes ) and the OEM copies too.
It is the full package version in that designers plastic case and it has a label in red on it
saying in german "Update Version - you are only legitimate to use this if you own Windows
2000 or XP " .
The package contains a brochure, the Key, a poster and two dvds 32 and 64 bit
also you can order for few euros a 5 CD set of Vista.
You can boot the PC with that disks and get to the repair options, like "Restore the
computer" "fix bootproblems" and that stuff, but at no point is a setup routine, and it says
on the brochure that you must do it from within a genuine 2000 or XP.
These news will be a shock to a lot of customers, and beleive me : the OEM copies will see a
major sale while the Update editions will loose worth on ebay.
OEM is much cheaper and they are FULL version, let you do clean install on empty pcs PLUS an
update - here in germany OEM has the same rights in licensing as the FPP, and a bundling to
hardware is forbidden thru german laws.
Well my friend wanted the Full package, because of the pack, and all that eyecandy ( OEM
comes only as a DVD plus the Key without any packaging ) - and now he hopes very much that
he must never do a reformat in his life.
Here is such a Box of Vista unpacked ;
Also confirmed news - after the first activation you can not activate it online again but
must phone to MS.