vista don't recongize 4 gigs of system memory

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Vista does not see the extra gig of memory, i have 4 1 gig ddr400 memory
installed and the motherboard sees it but vista don't.
geo85706 said:
Vista does not see the extra gig of memory, i have 4 1 gig ddr400 memory
installed and the motherboard sees it but vista don't.

You have to correct that in your BIOS. How to
do it will be in your owner's manual. Vista
sees all the RAM the BIOS lets it see.
John Boy said:
You have to correct that in your BIOS. How to do it will be in your
owner's manual. Vista sees all the RAM the BIOS lets it see.

He said his BIOS DOES see it
The BIOS will certainly see it but will usually keep some for its own
purposes and not report it as available to Windows unless you find and
change some settings which are often not available unless you have a
motherboard aimed at overclockers.

If available, change MTRR from its default of Continuous to Discrete.
The Memory Hole setting can also affect the memory reported to Windows.
Tom said:
He said his BIOS DOES see it

On my Asus board in the BIOS there is "DRAM Over
4G Remapping" that must be enabled for the OS to
see most of the 4G. Even with it enable I still
lose a little bit and don't see the full 4G.
There is a memory "hole" by design. Enabling
the 4G Remapping moves it around the "hole" so
the OS can see it.
I was just about to post a question on the forum is see if 32-bit vista had
overcome this missing memory problem when I spotted this post.
I have 4G memory and running xp pro , only 3G was available. Using xp pro
64-bit I could see the full 4G of memory. It turns out that XP and ( VISTA
32-bit as well?) both use address's out of the 4G memory range to address
hardware devices. Each hardware device you have means less addressable RAM.
So I guess the answer is yes, VISTA has the same problem.... looks like I am
going to stay with 64-bit then.
Dominic Payer said:
The BIOS will certainly see it but will usually keep some for its own
purposes and not report it as available to Windows unless you find and
change some settings which are often not available unless you have a
motherboard aimed at overclockers.

If available, change MTRR from its default of Continuous to Discrete.
The Memory Hole setting can also affect the memory reported to Windows.

From my understanding if you install 4 GIG of RAM it has to be below PC3200.
I have an Asus K8V SLI NForce Deluxe and according to the manual if I can
only install 2gig of DDR400, but anything below can be installed up 4gig
which is the max. Consult you manual or Asus website on memory
From my understanding if you install 4 GIG of RAM it has to be below
I have an Asus K8V SLI NForce Deluxe and according to the manual if I can
only install 2gig of DDR400, but anything below can be installed up 4gig
which is the max. Consult you manual or Asus website on memory

That must be an ASUS limit. I am running an MSI k8n-sliF with 4GB of DDR 400
with no problems. I did have to enable the Discrete MTRR option and the H/W
remapping of memory.
I am runnign x64 with no x86 OS crashes when I try to use
Media Center to watch Live TV though...not sure if it is related to the
memory remapping(since the bios mentions this is only for 64 bit OS')

I am have the same problem missing 1 Gb of memory

When I was running vista beta 2 32bit O/S, I could see all 4GB of memory,
upgrade to RC1 Build 5600 I am now only seeing 3GB of memory.

If I switch to vista RC1 64bit, I can see 4GB RAM on my system.

No problem with my Bios, all set as suggested the problems is in this new
build of vista RC1

I still trying to find how can I address/access this missing 1GB when using
32bit O/S?



DFI LanParty UT CFX3200-DR RD580
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
4x 1GB PC-4000 Crucial Ballistix
Powercolor Radeon X800GT0 256mb
SoundBlaster X-FI Pro
Seasonic S12 600W
Same deal here. My BIOS and Linux both see all 4GB of RAM, but Vista (x86)
only sees 3GB of it. I'm also experiencing lots of BSODs with "MEMORY
MANAGEMENT" errors. If I remove 2GB, everything works just fine...
Same deal here. My BIOS and Linux both see all 4GB of RAM, but Vista (x86)
only sees 3GB of it. I'm also experiencing lots of BSODs with "MEMORY
MANAGEMENT" errors. If I remove 2GB, everything works just fine...
In my computer, Vista 5728 has stopped to see the full 4GB.

My BIOS detects 4GB, and also SpeedFan, but Vista (now) only reports 2047 MB.
2047 MB < 2 GB :)

I know that 32 bits Vista can only address 4GB, but I want my 4 GB, not 2 GB.
jesusg said:
2047 MB < 2 GB :)

I know that 32 bits Vista can only address 4GB, but I want my 4 GB, not 2

The problem is that PCI devices (such as graphics card...) map their memory
into the system memory address space.

You can see for yourself using Device Manager and look at View | Devices by
type and then expand the Memory node.

Since many device drivers are developed by brain-dead morons, MS wisely
decided to limit their 32-bit desktop Operating Systems to a 32-bit address
space. XP (and Vista) does support PAE, but only as a way to enable DEP. Use
Windows 2003 Server or Windows "Longhorn" Server if you insist on using a
32-bit OS.

Incidentally, nVidia used to support PAE, but all forceware drivers after
80.12 or so doesn't work correctly when faced with 64-bit addresses. (This
might've been fixed in the latest driver revisions, I haven't tested this
for a couple of months)

Finally, if you have a 64-bit OS (or 32-bit Windows Server), you need to
activate the memory hole feature so that the memory controller will remap
one or more memory banks above the 4GB mark.

Oh (sorry, when I said "finally" I lied), you should be aware that each
32-bit process is limited to a 2GB address space. With a 64-bit OS, this
grows to 4GB. So even if you're only running 32-bit processes, you will see
some benefit from a 64-bit OS.
Thanks, Rune

My problem is not related to the ~3GB XP limit.

I have seen the full 4GB, but during the software/hardware installation half
the memory has gone. (I don´t know when it happened, but I'm sure it was in
5728, and I don´t remember any action that could make this).

From Device Manager, if I view Resources by type I can see the full address
space to ffffffff, even some ranges in use by motherboard chipset, LAN
adapters and graphics adapter, but there is an entry 80010000-ffffffff at the
midle of the tree marked as 'PCI bus' that report a conflict (Memory Range
80010000 - FFFFFFFF not available.). I think this is a Vista bug.

I'll be happy to switch to x64 when some software makers develop 64bits
drivers for their apps :)
I have a similar case: 4GB of RAM on an ABIT AB9 Pro motherboard. BIOS sees
4GB, WinXP Pro sees 4GB, but Vista RC2 sees 'only' 3326 MB...

You are seeing the affect of a "memory hole" as a result of
the design of the motherboards that goes back to the days of
the original ISA bus. It was presumed back then that we
would never have enough memory in our computers to ever see
this loss. Most BIOS have a setting to recover some of the
lost memory, but usually not all of it. If I recall
correctly EFI is supposed to do away with the "memory hole."
Same here. I'm using 4gb of 667mhz ram in my xps m1210. Vista Ultimate
64bit Edition only see's 3326. Mobo verifies 4 though. This is a let down..
Hi John,

It's because there is a 4GB limit on the available addresses. Some of these
are reserved for the system's addresses, the remainder (what you see) is
what is available for memory addressing. This is a limitation in the 32-bit
system. You should not see this in the 64-bit version unless either a module
is bad or the mainboard is not reporting correctly (or doesn't support it).

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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