Windows Vista vista display reverts to vista basic on every boot

May 4, 2009
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Windows Vista Home Premium - Help - The display properties changes to low graphics 8 bit graphics and minimum resolution every time I boot the pc, just started happening about a week ago, after I tried to do a system recovery. Dell INspiron 530s & dell 2208 22" display
timleyden said:
Windows Vista Home Premium - Help - The display properties changes to low graphics 8 bit graphics and minimum resolution every time I boot the pc, just started happening about a week ago, after I tried to do a system recovery. Dell INspiron 530s & dell 2208 22" display

By what you say the driver is not installed properly go Here and download the correct driver. Then reinstall it.
Oh hiya:wave:
Thanks, their download site is a bit of a zoo - the display drivers and the graphics drives are bi=oth downlevel from what is on my system - I've been ob with Dell suppoort and they have advised using only the highest resolution the monitor will support (1680 x 1050) I prefer 1280 x 900 or so, but, I will try this fro a few days and see if it works. If it does I will post it here for the next person that runs into it.
That exact same thing happens to my pc.....its like every time i boot up the screen looks old and dingey...i just restart and its like new again.....i keep meaning to look closer but am always busy. Its like the pc can boot from different places every time.

I will investigate further now i know it happens to others.