Evan Platt
I've searched through the past posts here and in the other vista
groups, and have yet to see an 'answer'... I'm looking for a Vista
compatible firewall. Everyone I've tried (Zone alarm, Kerio, a few
others) say they're not compatible. Tiny installed, but I kept blue
screening on reboot with a error once - that says my BIOS is not PC##
something capable? (It rebooted too quick to see). Rebooted into last
known good, uninstalled Tiny, and I'm back in business. Basically, I
want to know when a program is phoning home and be able to deny the
groups, and have yet to see an 'answer'... I'm looking for a Vista
compatible firewall. Everyone I've tried (Zone alarm, Kerio, a few
others) say they're not compatible. Tiny installed, but I kept blue
screening on reboot with a error once - that says my BIOS is not PC##
something capable? (It rebooted too quick to see). Rebooted into last
known good, uninstalled Tiny, and I'm back in business. Basically, I
want to know when a program is phoning home and be able to deny the