Hi Mr. DosFan--
There was a way to put the clipboard on the start menu and see it and use
it in XP. I tried this in Vista (adding these keys to the reg, and no
dice). No clipboard showed on the cpl. I think it's meant to be invisible
in Vista.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"InfoTip"="Starts the Clipboard"
@="Add Clipboard to the Control Panel"
What is Clipboard?
The Clipboard is a temporary storage area for information that you have
copied or moved from one place and plan to use somewhere else. You can
select text or graphics and then use the Cut or Copy commands to move your
selection to the Clipboard, where it will be stored until you use the Paste
command to insert it elsewhere. For example, you might want to copy a
section of text from a website, and then paste that text into an e-mail
message. The Clipboard is available in most Windows programs.
You can copy or move information such as text and pictures between files and
programs in Windows using a temporary storage space called the Clipboard.
The Clipboard is not visible, so keep in mind that even though you use the
Clipboard to copy and paste information between files, you will never
actually see the Clipboard when you do so.