Vista Certified Sound Card


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I'm on the lookout for a Vista Certified sound card (ideally not creative) as a christmas present for someone, but I'll be damned if I can find on :confused: :lol:

Does anyone here know of something that can match these requirements? :bow:

I've had a look at Terratec/Hercules as they are the only other sound card makes I can think of, other than the generic ones.
What makes it vista certified?? That's a new one on me.
V_R said:
What makes it vista certified?? That's a new one on me.
I'm not sure myself - from what I gather it's to do with the drivers. Can you explain please Mucks if you read this :D
what about the Asus Xonar D2?
new to the market, but its supposedly 'the best audio solution'
mission impossible


Well, as I see it, you got a cat-in-hell or no-chance ... :p

Oh, price should be no more than £5 ... :thumb:

Good hunting ... :bow:

I think the Razer card would fit the bill but it's £112.00 :eek:

Not really sure though Link

I can't actually see one sound card out there that specifically says it will work under Vista.

So why am I thinking of changing to Vista?

I forgot about this.

*Flops looks at his XP CD and starts singing 'Hello old friend......'* ;)