I have a LAN with XP Pros an a few ADSL routers which are equally loaded
with Internet traffic, IP's are DHCP assigned, and I just set IP address of
router as Gateway and DNS to any PC that needs access to internet and it
works fine...
but on Vista Bussiness, well it sucks. I have defined 2 Networks (why?
they're automatically set), both public, I set Gateway and DNS IP addresses
under IPv4 settings...and nothing, Vista doesn't connect to Internet,
regardless of Windows Firewall on or off...
I have a LAN with XP Pros an a few ADSL routers which are equally loaded
with Internet traffic, IP's are DHCP assigned, and I just set IP address of
router as Gateway and DNS to any PC that needs access to internet and it
works fine...
but on Vista Bussiness, well it sucks. I have defined 2 Networks (why?
they're automatically set), both public, I set Gateway and DNS IP addresses
under IPv4 settings...and nothing, Vista doesn't connect to Internet,
regardless of Windows Firewall on or off...