Vista can't connect to a Wi-Fi network

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In the hope that this might help someone else, here is a review of a
Vista Network connection problem that I have resolved.

The problem,
I have a Netgear Wi-Fi modem/router (DG824M) and a wireless network
with Windows2000 on one PC and Win XP on the other.
We have now bought an HP Pavilion Laptop with Vista and various other
programs, including anti-virus software (Norton) pre-installed.
No problems with setting up the Vista PC to join the correct
Workgroup (not the default one which has changed since XP) and the
network type (Home).

However it would not connect and I spent hours reading forums.
From the Command prompt I ran IPCONFIG on all three machines and made
a note of their IP addresses.
Then I ran Ping and found that the Vista machine could 'see' the
others but they got no response from the Vista PC. The Ping was being

Eventually I discovered that Vista had the MS Firewall turned on and
set correctly for a Home network - that's what I wanted.

BUT the pre-installed anti-virus software also had a firewall running!
I turned it off and finally after 2 or 3 days the vista PC is now on
the network and working.

There are so many people with similar problems. Are they mostly
related to Firewall settings?

Good luck with your problem
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

demex, thank you for your input here and our web site.

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Yeah similar problems, some todo with DHCP`s new broadcast flag others
todo with other firewalls installed or different config they havnt set
because they expected the same things from XP...Most of the problems can
be solved quite quickly, its just users who dont take the time to learn
something new like how vista is actually different from xp ;)
The obvious lesson is that you should never have more than one
software firewall, and that the Windows Firewall will be more
compatible than third party firewalls.

Gary VanderMolen