I got 2 computer,1 is runnig windows vista and another is windows 98 second
edition.My printer is connected to windows 98 computer so my vista computer
wan use the printer so i share my printer from win98.Problem come out. It
show 1 error msg.(windows cannto connect to the printer.operation could not
be completed(error0x00000866)).Is it because both of these windows version
problem? Windows XP no problem at all. So need some asistances from u guys
edition.My printer is connected to windows 98 computer so my vista computer
wan use the printer so i share my printer from win98.Problem come out. It
show 1 error msg.(windows cannto connect to the printer.operation could not
be completed(error0x00000866)).Is it because both of these windows version
problem? Windows XP no problem at all. So need some asistances from u guys