Just bought a new laptop with Vista business. It's used in my small business
network with a domain. I had it all set up and could connect to the domain
and see everything on my server. I brought the machine home and played
around with Norton some and other Vista features just to familiarize myself
with the system. Than the next day I couldn't see anything on the network.
When I tried to initiate Network Identification, Vista would not recognize my
admin status - at the point where the system asks for the credentials for an
authorized network user, like the admin!!!! It keeps on saying that the
format of the admin name is wrong or the format of the network name is wrong.
I have tried everything I know, and these errors keep coming up. I used the
same admin name and password to access the domain just a day earlier. What
could have gone wrong? Any clues?
network with a domain. I had it all set up and could connect to the domain
and see everything on my server. I brought the machine home and played
around with Norton some and other Vista features just to familiarize myself
with the system. Than the next day I couldn't see anything on the network.
When I tried to initiate Network Identification, Vista would not recognize my
admin status - at the point where the system asks for the credentials for an
authorized network user, like the admin!!!! It keeps on saying that the
format of the admin name is wrong or the format of the network name is wrong.
I have tried everything I know, and these errors keep coming up. I used the
same admin name and password to access the domain just a day earlier. What
could have gone wrong? Any clues?