*Helpful info for post-install Vista beta users*
I nominate Colin and/or Mark V. to write this FAQ.
Links to important information on drivers and general
stuff about Vista. Addressing the most asked questions.
Such as:
Where's my key? Can I get another?
When does this version run out? Will I get another?
My install disk is corrupt.
Can I install to an external drive?
Sorry for all the multiple posts.
Why don't I have glass?
Links to some major manufacturers driver, especially-
video card drivers.
Links to boot editors for Vista.
When is the next version being released?
Can I rollback or uninstall Vista?
What's the deal with administrative permissions?
What's readyboost and do I make it work?
Why do I keep losing my System Restore points?
So on and so forth.
Post the FAQ once a day or to those who ask for
some general advice.
Get busy Mark and Colin.
Anyone will do, I'm just not very good at all
those details.
"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools,
but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
- Mark Twain
I nominate Colin and/or Mark V. to write this FAQ.
Links to important information on drivers and general
stuff about Vista. Addressing the most asked questions.
Such as:
Where's my key? Can I get another?
When does this version run out? Will I get another?
My install disk is corrupt.
Can I install to an external drive?
Sorry for all the multiple posts.
Why don't I have glass?
Links to some major manufacturers driver, especially-
video card drivers.
Links to boot editors for Vista.
When is the next version being released?
Can I rollback or uninstall Vista?
What's the deal with administrative permissions?
What's readyboost and do I make it work?
Why do I keep losing my System Restore points?
So on and so forth.
Post the FAQ once a day or to those who ask for
some general advice.
Get busy Mark and Colin.
Anyone will do, I'm just not very good at all
those details.

"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools,
but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
- Mark Twain