Zack Whittaker \(R2 Mentor\)
Your English seems fine ) Don't worry about it.
However, Build 5112 has been out now for nearly ¾ of a year now and we're
now on 5308 externally. Also, running a beta operating system, especially
one with such graphics and technologies as Vista, is never a good idea to be
run in a virtual machine. I recommend (as well as most developers and
testers out there) a seperate machine altogether, or at most a seperate
logical partition on a drive.
Zack Whittaker
Microsoft Beta (Windows Server R2 Beta Mentor)
» ZackNET Enterprises: www.zacknet.co.uk
» MSBlog on ResDev: http://msblog.resdev.net
» ZackNET Forum: www.zacknet.co.uk/forum
» VistaBase: www.zacknet.co.uk/vistabase
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, mother or cat. Let's be clear on that one!
--- Original message follows ---
However, Build 5112 has been out now for nearly ¾ of a year now and we're
now on 5308 externally. Also, running a beta operating system, especially
one with such graphics and technologies as Vista, is never a good idea to be
run in a virtual machine. I recommend (as well as most developers and
testers out there) a seperate machine altogether, or at most a seperate
logical partition on a drive.
Zack Whittaker
Microsoft Beta (Windows Server R2 Beta Mentor)
» ZackNET Enterprises: www.zacknet.co.uk
» MSBlog on ResDev: http://msblog.resdev.net
» ZackNET Forum: www.zacknet.co.uk/forum
» VistaBase: www.zacknet.co.uk/vistabase
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, mother or cat. Let's be clear on that one!
--- Original message follows ---