Vista Battery


Guy Thomas

Goal: To preserve the LONG-TERM life of my battery.
Situation: The laptop is connected to the electricity mains and a battery
is installed. (Normal configuration)
Question: Is there a software, or a registry setting, to disable the battery
and thus stop it from (re-)charging and wearing itself out?
I do realize that I can just release it and remove it, but it would be handy
to achieve the same result in software.



I don't think you will wear out the battery by leaving it in the laptop and
allowing the built-in battery maintenance/charging system to do its job. You
likely will do more harm by removing the battery and allowing nature to take
its course.


I bought a travel charger that came with a pass through option on the power
supply. I can charge or simply pass the current through to run the machine.
It also works well in air/boat/or car. Although I would never take it on a

Guy Thomas

Dear Tom (and Freddy)

Many thanks for your advice.

I guess that the lack of other replies means that I have not missed anything
really obvious.



I Goggled for
disable notebook battery
and got lots of hits and looked at the first two results and found them
both interesting.


My friend i think i might have stubbled on the solution to your problem... so
that my notebook is plugged in but the battery is in not charging even though
itsnot at a 100%, but i'm not sure how i did it... the thing is that i can
use the battery but i can't charge it !?! So i'm just warning you BE CAREFUl
you might regret it... Hey and if u know a solution to my problem that would
be pretty great



Ya i did. (last night) ... but now I'm thinking it might be the battery or
the recharging bit of the notebook. I'm really not sure...
I'm now thinking maybe i should set mycomputer to factory defaults that
myight work...but i really don't wanna spend eternity installing all my
programs again and getting the setting just right


It may be that the charging system on your notebook does not start charging
until the battery level gets below a certain point since battery life is
related to the number of times the battery is charged so you don't want it
constantly charging whenever the level is less than 100%.


WOW that sounds really logical... i'm gonna try it ASAP
By the way would this be a new feature on windows OS???
Cuz i have recharged my battery twice till now but it was down to 30 or so
%... but i got concerned when the battery was at 95% and it woudn't
recharge... so thank u for your reply.

with regards


I don't think of it as a new feature just as a logical feature by any
manufacturer of laptops to implement in order to lengthen the live of the
batteries. It is also of course true that the charging level indicated even
if less then 100% may in fact be the maximum charging level capability of
the battery since they are most likely measure in different ways.

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