Windows Vista Vista available to pre-order from Amazon

Jan 14, 2006
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But, it will not arrive till 30th January!

Amazon also lists prices for the three consumer versions of Windows Vista – Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Ultimate – as well as for Windows Vista Business edition. Pricing for upgrades to each of the editions also is listed on the site.

According to Amazon, Windows Vista Home Basic will cost $199 (about £105) for a new copy and $100 (£53) for an upgrade. Windows Vista Home Premium, a step above Home Basic in functionality, will sell for $239 (£126) for a new version and $159 (£84) for an upgrade. And Windows Vista Ultimate, the highest-end version of Vista for consumers, will cost $399 (£210) for a new copy and $259 (£136) for an upgrade, according to Windows Vista Business will cost $299 (£157), while an upgrade will sell for $199 (£105).

Microsoft has said it will make consumer versions of Vista available in January, but it has not given a specific date or announced prices for the various versions of the OS. Yesterday, in a statement sent by email sent through its public relations firm, the company still would not confirm exact availability or pricing for Vista.
Ha! old Billy boy ain't silly is he, this time he's got 3 flavours for the home consumer...:lol:


And one for the business boys....rather than calling it pro..

So most consumers are always going to want to go for the flagship model and thats the Ultimate edition.....for you sir that'l be £210 big ones please....No sir you don't wanna go for the poor lowly basic home model sir at £105 sir....You wanna go for the top model sir, the one everybodys buying sir.....The one that won't allow you to even rip one of your own Cd's and copy to a blank disc for the car sir..

No thanks Billy boy i'll stick with XP as long as i can, and in the meantime i'm learning all i can about Linux of which i have the ultimate edition sir...Oh the price sir, now where was i sir....:D
Home = Some Bugs
Premium = a few more bugs
Ultimate = a shed loads of bugs

How long after they release these will the 1st service pack come out.:eek: :rolleyes:

LINUX here i come!:D
So...I'm gonna pay now for something that's not even gonna be released for five months? Riiiiiiiight... :D