Vista Architecture

  • Thread starter Thread starter deconinckg
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I'm running a vbs script to find out my architecture. I use the followong
code for this:

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor")
For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.Echo "Architecture: " & objItem.Architecture
Select Case objItem.Architecture
Case 0
Wscript.Echo "x86"
Case 1
Wscript.Echo "MIPS"
Case 2
Wscript.Echo "Alpha"
Case 3
Wscript.Echo "PowerPC"
Case 6
Wscript.Echo "Intel Itanium Processor Family (IPF)"
Case 9
Wscript.Echo "x64"
End Select

The script works, or although it does run, but seems to give me the wrong
result back. I saw if the architecture returns value 9 that its a x6-bit
version. Although when checking in regedit i only see x86bit, and my
operating system just says 32bit in Vista. So I don't know where the scripts
gets the value that my machine is a 64bit architecture.

I need this value for sccm for my deployment of drivers i'm testing now. So
I need to know what my architecture is cause we have multiple pc's with a few
that have 64bit OSs. If anyone can tell me why this script isn't returning
the right value i would be happy to receive any kind of help.

Maybe its just because the number 9 maybe wants to say its a 86bit, but i'll
be waiting for any results you can give me uys and girls.

Thx a lot already for the help.

It's reporting the processor architecture, not the Windows installation
type. I just ran it on a 32-bit Vista installation that's on an x64 machine
and it returned a value of 9, which indicates to me that your script is
reporting the processor type, not the Windows installation type.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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