Vista and XP talk to each other, My Fix

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I finally got the two machines talking to each other andsharing files and
media between them. I cant believe it was something so simple. I totally
overlooked it. I use Windows Live care. I went into the change settings for
it and set the firewall connection tool Network discovery check, File Printer
and sharing check, Share content with windows Vista check, Video check. I
then went back to main firewall page in live care. Chose Advanced settings
button, clicked on protocols tab, selected ICMPv4 Inbound, ICMPv6 Inbound,
Network Discovery, Pragmatic General Multicast Protocol, Streamin
Vidio/Audio, Xbox360 and Network Media Players. I set this the same on both
Systems Using the Live care firewall. They NOW transfer files back and forth.
Thanks for those that helped your settings worked but I forgot bout firewall.
They probly would have worked sooner if I would have remembered it. This is
waht I should have checked first but the Live care maintains itself so easily
that I never even think about it. I hope this helps some of you people out. I
know I am sure happy.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is Windows Live care? Does it come with Windows
Vista and/or XP?

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

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I finally got the two machines talking to each other andsharing files and
media between them. I cant believe it was something so simple. I totally
overlooked it. I use Windows Live care. I went into the change settings for
it and set the firewall connection tool Network discovery check, File Printer
and sharing check, Share content with windows Vista check, Video check. I
then went back to main firewall page in live care. Chose Advanced settings
button, clicked on protocols tab, selected ICMPv4 Inbound, ICMPv6 Inbound,
Network Discovery, Pragmatic General Multicast Protocol, Streamin
Vidio/Audio, Xbox360 and Network Media Players. I set this the same on both
Systems Using the Live care firewall. They NOW transfer files back and forth.
Thanks for those that helped your settings worked but I forgot bout firewall.
They probly would have worked sooner if I would have remembered it. This is
waht I should have checked first but the Live care maintains itself so easily
that I never even think about it. I hope this helps some of you people out. I
know I am sure happy.
Live One care is a protection package you can get for Vista, firewall,
spyware hunter, antivirus. It is an icon on the bottom right section of
toolbar it will be a cricle with the letter I in it if you have it. The
circle will be green if everything is ok, yellow if things need attention and
Red if something is seriously wrong. And you can run it on upto 3 of your
machines and pay very nominal fee. It does have a trial package you can get
to see how you like it.
Hedgy said:
I finally got the two machines talking to each other andsharing files and
media between them. I cant believe it was something so simple. I totally
overlooked it. I use Windows Live care. I went into the change settings for
it and set the firewall connection tool Network discovery check, File Printer
and sharing check, Share content with windows Vista check, Video check. I
then went back to main firewall page in live care. Chose Advanced settings
button, clicked on protocols tab, selected ICMPv4 Inbound, ICMPv6 Inbound,
Network Discovery, Pragmatic General Multicast Protocol, Streamin
Vidio/Audio, Xbox360 and Network Media Players. I set this the same on both
Systems Using the Live care firewall. They NOW transfer files back and forth.
Thanks for those that helped your settings worked but I forgot bout firewall.
They probly would have worked sooner if I would have remembered it. This is
waht I should have checked first but the Live care maintains itself so easily
that I never even think about it. I hope this helps some of you people out. I
know I am sure happy.

So essentially if one was to configure a 3rd party firewall such as Norton,
with the same configuration then it should work as well. Thank you very much
Hedgy for this info as it definitely works. This is the only place I have
found a solution for this problem.
Hedgy said:
I finally got the two machines talking to each other andsharing files and
media between them. I cant believe it was something so simple. I totally
overlooked it. I use Windows Live care. I went into the change settings for
it and set the firewall connection tool Network discovery check, File Printer
and sharing check, Share content with windows Vista check, Video check. I
then went back to main firewall page in live care. Chose Advanced settings
button, clicked on protocols tab, selected ICMPv4 Inbound, ICMPv6 Inbound,
Network Discovery, Pragmatic General Multicast Protocol, Streamin
Vidio/Audio, Xbox360 and Network Media Players. I set this the same on both
Systems Using the Live care firewall. They NOW transfer files back and forth.
Thanks for those that helped your settings worked but I forgot bout firewall.
They probly would have worked sooner if I would have remembered it. This is
waht I should have checked first but the Live care maintains itself so easily
that I never even think about it. I hope this helps some of you people out. I
know I am sure happy.
I am glad to help. I tried to keep the answer as simple and as explanetory as
possible. Maybe you can post your settings if you useing norton so that
others may benefit.
Thanks for the explanation. It did not help though. My problem is of a
different nature. Thanks for the info anyway.
Yes, I forget that it is even running half the time. It works great in the
background and maintains itself real well. I been using it since it first
came out in beta and have had very few problems with it. Excellent software.
