I recently spoke with some networking people at Microsoft. As I
understand it, Microsoft doesn't support Vista sharing its folders
over a network with computers running Windows 95/98/Me. It isn't part
of Vista's design, they haven't tested it, and there's no guarantee
that it will work.
I've seen these problems when trying to access Vista's shared folders
from 95/98/Me:
1. Incompatible default network authentication protocols. Windows
95/98/Me uses LM and NTLM authentication. Vista uses NTLMv2
authentication. This causes a prompt for the IPC$ password on
95/98/Me when password protected sharing is enabled on Vista. There
is no valid response to the IPC$ prompt.
2. Incomplete enumeration of shares. 95/98/Me only sees some of
Vista's shared folders, and the names of some shared folders are
truncated, making them inaccessible.
3. Instability. Accessing Vista's shared folders makes 95/98/Me hang
or crash.
I'd love to know if anyone has found solutions to those problems.
Here's how to configure Vista to use LM and NTLM authentication to
allow access from 95/98/Me when password protected sharing is enabled.
I'd like to thank my fellow MVP Evan Pearce, who helped me understand
and test this:
1. Click the Start button, type "regedit" in the Start Search box, and
press Enter.
2. Click "Continue" in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Open this registry key:
4. If they don't already exist, create DWORD values named
LmCompatibilityLevel and NoLmHash.
5. Set LMCompatibilityLevel to 1.
6. Set NoLmHash to 0.
7. Restart the Vista computer.
8. Go to Control Panel > User Accounts, click "Change your password",
enter your current password in the boxes for "Current password", "New
password", and "Confirm new password", and click "Change password".
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)
Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.
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