I'm sorry you're experiencing issues. If you're still experiencing issues
accessing a shared folder from Vista to W98, 95, ME), then it may be a
mismatch with the version of NTLM. By default, Windows Vista uses NTLM 2.
As the article
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/network/evaluate/vista_fp.mspx recommends,
To resolve this issue, you can do one of the following:
• Enable NTLM 2 support on the computer or device to which the Windows
Vista-based computer is attempting to connect. For computers running versions
of Windows prior to Windows XP, see How to enable NTLM 2 authentication. For
computers running operating systems other than Windows, see the operating
system's product documentation for information about how to enable NTLM 2
support. For network devices, see the device's product documentation or Web
site for information about how to enable NTLM 2 support or download a
firmware update that supports NTLM 2. This is the preferred solution.
• If you cannot update the computers running operating systems other than
Windows or your network devices to support NTLM 2, change the
registry value on the computer running Windows Vista to 1. This solution is
not recommended.